Chapter Three

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"She's a mess of gorgeous chaos, and you can see it in her eyes."

Bella's POV




"uuuggghhh!" I wake up and turn off my alarm. I had no nightmares last night which is surprising.

After I saw those three guys kill that one man I sprinted home so that way I didn't end up dead on the ground just like that guy. I am not gonna snitch, it's common sense to know that those types of people kill snitches.

But I can't stop thinking about that guy that shot him. I'm curious as to know what the hell was going on, it's not every day that you see that kind of thing. How can I not be curious? But I have to forget about it, for my own good.

But I have to get ready for school today and I am not excited at all. I'm just gonna keep to myself and try my best to ignore  everybody.

I know my father is not home right now because he has work, thank god. And I will also be able to be home from school before he gets off of work so that's a bonus. If I can just avoid my dad as much as possible I will never have a bruise again. A girl can dream.

I go to the bathroom to get a nice steamy hot shower and get dressed in a long-sleeve black shirt with a black and white skirt that shows my curves. Then I put on knee-high black heeled boots and put my hair in loose curls.

I grab my backpack and head out the door to get in my car. Once in my car, I drive to the school. I park my car in the school parking lot and get out. The second I step out of the car I feel everyone's eyes on me.

I know I'm the new kid but seriously it's not like I'm some celebrity. With that, I roll my eyes and head inside to go to the office and get my schedule. When I walk into the office the lady at the desk looks up at me and automatically smiles.

I give a small smile back and walk up to the desk. "Hey my name is Bella Hayes and I'm new here." "Oh well let me get your schedule," the lady says as she hands me my schedule for classes. "You have a good day today Bella and welcome to Oak Ridge High." "Thanks and you too," I say as I walk out of the office.

I find my locker, put in the combo, and open it to put books I don't need for 1st period in it. Once done I shut my locker and turn around but I stop in my tracks once I see a girl with pitch-black hair that's a little taller than me standing there.

"Hey  your new right," the girl asks. "Umm yeah that's me," I say with a nervous laugh. "Awesome my name is Lily and I was wondering if maybe you would let me show you around." Normally I would say no but I have no friends at this school and she seems genuine and nice.

"Yeah sure, I could use your help thanks, and my name is Bella," I say. We start walking and I show her my schedule. "Oh my god we have all but one class together which is P.E and that's the fourth period right after lunch," she says. I nod my head and we both head to the first period which is chemistry.

We get in class and I automatically sit down at one of the tables in the back by the window. Lily comes and sits in the seat next to me and we talk before the bell rings signaling that class is beginning. I got to know Lily really well and she's the nicest girl I have ever met. And we have actually a bit in common but she is definitely a social butterfly.

Right now we are working on a small assignment in class when I hear the door burst open. I look up for a second to see some guy walk in and I look back down not caring who it is. But then I catch something familiar about him and I look back up to see him already looking at me and a smirk pulling at his lips.

Oh shit

It's the same guy that shot the other man in the alley last night. And from the look in his eyes, I can tell he recognizes me. I hope he doesn't kill me though for witnessing something I'm not supposed to.

Lily sees me staring and says, "I know he is hot but don't get your hopes up about him he's a hump and dump kind of guy and he doesn't like to sleep with girls from this school, and he is also dangerous and only cares about his two friends Josh and Owen." "Oh no he's not my type I just thought I recognized him from somewhere but it's nothing," I say and look back at Lily who is giving me a look that says are-you-crazy and honestly I think I just might be.

I then look back up at the guy from last night and see him walking towards me and taking a seat behind me.

Great, this is exactly what I need.

I can feel his eyes in the back of my head. It's nerving how he is just staring at me and not paying attention to the class.

I soon hear the bell ring for class to be over and I practically run out of class and wait for Lily to come out so we can head to our next classes.

Soon enough it's now lunch and me and Lily head our separate ways so we can go to our lockers. I make it to my locker and once I'm done putting my books in it I shut it and jump because right there is the guy from last night standing next to me with his arms crossed staring at me.

And he's tall so I only make it to his chest. Well, that's not intimidating at all. I then see him turn towards the locker in front of him and open it. Great his locker is right next to mine too, what's next.

I quickly head to the cafeteria and see that Lily is sitting at a table and when she sees me she waves me over. I go and sit down with her and we talk and eat lunch. But soon the whole cafeteria falls silent and I look up to see the reason why.

It's none other than the guy from last night himself. He walks in with the other two that were with him last night which I am guessing are his two friends Josh and Owen that everybody talks about.

They walk in and go to sit at a table in the far corner in the back of the room. Of course, he would sit there, but by the way the whole room fell silent, I can tell that he is dangerous and everybody is scared of him.

School is finally over for today and I also have P.E. with James. Oh, yah I figured out his name from Lily. But as I am walking to the parking lot to get in my car an arm grabs me and I get pinned against the wall.

I gasp at the sudden movement and see James towering over me. I gulp and say "look I'm not gonna say anything about what I saw last night, I swear, it's your business, not mine." He looks almost amused and I have the urge to roll my eyes at him. I'm trying to save my own ass here and he thinks it's funny.

"Oh I know you won't say anything, but what you are gonna do is get in my car and come with me and my friends, ok?" He asked only it didn't sound like a question it sounded like a demand.

He wants me to get in his car with him only after I saw what happened last night.

what the hell have I got myself into

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