Chapter Seven

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"Don't become the person that wrecked you."
Bella's POV

I stared out at the track with excitement.

I've never been to one of these but I have heard of them and always wanted to go. I had a friend that would go to these and he was gonna take me to one...but that didn't work out.

"So which one of you guys are racing?" I ask. "I am and I'm gonna be driving that car that's lined up on the left over there on the track." James said.

"Wow, you guys definitely don't have boring lives." I say. "Nope and it helps that I'm also incredibly sexy right Bella?" Josh asks.

I roll my eyes, "sure Josh your as sexy as a trash can maybe even more sexy," I say sarcastically to which Josh puts a hand over his heart, "I can't believe you said that Bels, you hurt me," he says.

I laugh and roll my eyes at him and James also rolls his eyes.

"So how long have you guys been racing?" I ask. "Since we were 15, there's a race every month that we go to, some Josh or Owen race and the ones that have the most prize money  I race," James answers and winks at me.

I roll my eyes but at the same time I feel my knees weaken at his wink. What the fuck is with me I can't feel this way he's only gonna hurt me.

I start to think about other things to keep my mind off of him and we begin to walk towards James car so he can get ready for the race that starts in 5 minutes. 

Once we make it to James car Owen comes over. "Hey Owen what's up?" I ask. "Nothing much I was just getting the car ready but umm can I ask you a question Bella?" He says and I see James tense up out of the corner of my eye but I choose to ignore it. It must be my eyes messing with me.

"Yah sure," I say, "Well umm so what's your friends name, you know the girl that sat with us at lunch?" he says and looks down at his feet shyly.

I smirk, "her name is Lily and I have your number if you want it, I'm pretty sure she likes you to." I say and wright down her number on a piece of paper to give to him.

"I never said I liked her...I just...thought yah know...she was cute," he says, "Yah sure Owen and I'm a vampire," I respond and roll my eyes playfully at him.

I hand him Lily's number and his eyes light up. He's so cute, him and Lily are a perfect match.

"Hey Bella the race is starting do you wanna ride with me?" James ask. My eyes go wide, he wants me to ride with him? James the boy who hates everybody wants me to ride with him? Ok play it cool Bella it's only James.

"Seriously...I would fucking love to, I've always wanted to do this!" I yell and the boys laugh including...James? That's the first time I've heard him laugh and it's like music to my ears.

Apparently it's Josh and Owen's first time hearing him laugh because they give him a questioning look then they smirk and James glares at them then clears his throat. "Umm yah since this is your first time I thought maybe you would wanna try it." He says.

What just happened? Why were Josh and Owen looking at him like that?

I decide to just ignore it. "Yes I would love to go, thanks." I say and me and James head to the car.

We get in and drive up to the start line. "Are you ready Bella cause were gonna go fast." James says, "I was born ready and plus my ex best friend used to go to these things and tell me all about them but I never got to go," I say and look over to James.

"Ex best friend? What happened?" James ask, I look down at my hands like they are the most interesting thing in the world "They were just using me, it's still fresh in my mind so I don't really want to talk about it right now if that's ok."

"Uh yah sure...well looks like were about to go angel." James says. Angel? That's new.

A girl in short shorts, heels and a tube top walks to the middle of the cars and holds up a red flag. Then everybody counts down from 3 and she puts down the flag and James slams his foot on the gas pedal and we are off.

I let out a small yelp in surprise at how fast we are going but that soon falls into laughter as the adrenalin kicks in.

I look over to James and see he has a small smile tugging on his lips as he focuses on the road ahead of us.

"How do you feel Bella?" James yells over the loud roar of the engines. "Absolutely amazing!" I yell back.

And I was telling the truth, this is truly amazing the way you feel so free as the car goes over 200mph and how the adrenalin pumps through your veins.

"shit." James says and I look over to him and see him looking in the rear view mirror with an angry look on his face. "What, what's wrong?" I ask. "One of the other racers is catching up to us and the guy driving likes to play dirty." James says. I look in the mirror on my side and see a white sports car coming up to us at a fast pace.

The car comes up to James's side and tries to run into us making us almost swerve off the road.

"Hold on Bella because I'm gonna do something." James says.

I grab the bar above my head and prepare for what's about to happen. James turns the wheel hard and we almost hit the front of the other car. Now the front of James's car is facing the front of the other car and we are now driving backwards on the track.

I almost let out a scream at the fast movement but I hold it back to not annoy or distract James from driving.

James presses down on the gas and we soon loose the guy. Then once we are getting closer to the track James spins us again so we are facing forwards and we cross the finish line.

The crowd that is watching goes up in loud cheers chanting James's name.

I wide smile appears on my face and I look to James to see him looking at me.

I stare into is green eyes and can't bring myself to look away. And from the looks of it neither can he. We both start to lean in, getting closer and closer until..."Hey Bella are you ok?" Josh asks and breaks me and James from whatever that was.

Were we about to kiss?

No, no it's just the adrenalin...James doesn't even want to be around me he just has to...right?

"Yah I'm great, that was amazing James, good job on winning the race." I say. "Thanks, I'm glad you had fun," he says and gets out of the car.

I get out to and head over to Owen who is smiling down at his phone. "What's got you smiling so hard Owen." I say already knowing he is talking to Lily.

He jumps a little and quickly puts his phone away, "Umm nothing, nothing," he says. I smile and go to stand next to him.

James and Josh come over and we talk a little until some guy starts making their way to us.

He looks oddly familiar to me, but then I realize who it is.

You've got to be kidding me!

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