Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Warning there is some abuse and sexual assault in this chapter.

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Bella's POV

I am walking up to the door of the Café that Aiden has told me to meet at. James was really reluctant to let me leave this morning and while I understand that he just wants to keep me safe but I also know that I need answers on where my father is so this whole thing can end and I can just be happy.

James had me take five men with me who are now sitting in the black SUV across the street. I can tell they are watching my every move.

To be honest I am not exited about having this meet with Aiden. He betrayed me, but I need to know the information he has on my father and how he got it. Aiden and my father rarely ever talked to one another so it confuses me on how he got this info and how he knew that I need it.

Once inside I admire my surroundings. The Café is small but at the same time has quite a bit of space making so conversations can stay private. The theme of the Café is grey, black and brown colors making it have a homey feeling. The smell of coffee in the air calms my nerves a little.

I look ahead of me and see Aiden sitting in a booth at the end of the Café with his back towards me. I walk up to the side of the table to let my presence known and he looks up at me and gives me a hesitant smile and gestures his hand to the seat in front of him. I sit down and look up at him with a questioning look which he understand as he nods his head before speaking.

"Hey Bels, how have you been," He asks with a nervous smile making me roll my eyes mentally. I am not here for small talk I came here to get answers.

"I'm fine Aiden thanks for asking, but I want answers that you said you would give me. Now where is my father?" I ask seriously and he looks out the window on his right before looking back at me. There is a hint of anger hidden in his eyes but before I can wonder why he is mad it's quickly replaced with fake happiness.

"Well Bella, I am doing fine also thanks for asking." He says sarcastically and then clears his throat. "Listen Bels, I'm sorry for all I have done to you, I was stupid and I am sorry that I only became your friend to get in your pants. But I am hoping you will except my apology and we can become friends again." He says with a confident smile but there is something behind it that sends a shiver of fear down my spine.

He is avoiding my question and it's making me suspicious to what the heck he brought me here for. I wiggle in my seat a little before answering, "Aiden I don't think I can be friends with you again but I forgive you." I say and his smile automatically drops and a glare is now on his face along with an angry sneer.

I have a feeling that something is seriously wrong. My body is now consumed with fear and anxiousness to know what is going on. I look out the window to make sure the guys are still there and I calm down a little when I see that they are still there and watching through the window to make sure I am ok.

But the fear is quickly there again when I look back at Aiden to see a murderous look on his face. He seriously looks psychotic and it's freaking me out. I know now that this was a bad idea and I need to get out of here and fast.

But before I can make a move to get up I hear Aiden's voice again.

"I bet it's because your living with that fucker James." He says and I immediately freeze. How the hell does he know that. I haven't seen Aiden since the last race me and James went to.

"Your fucking him aren't you Bella? Your his bitch, he doesn't love you Bella but yet you fuck him." He bites out with a little spit flying out of his mouth. I can feel my breaths begin to shorten as I panic to find a way out of here.

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