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James's POV (1 month later)

I look over to my left and see Emily hysterically crying and quickly wiping her tears with a tissue.  Asher is on her lap and is looking at her in wonder as to why she is crying.

I shake my head in amusement before saying, "Emily it's just graduation, there is no need to be crying." She stops wiping her tears and glares at me.

"But my baby boys are growing up!" She exclaims and moves her hand to squeeze my cheek making me roll my eyes and huff out in annoyance to which she just laughs at.

I return my gaze back to the stage and see that Josh has just received his diploma and is making his way towards us with a big ass grin on his face. I have already received my diploma so I am just standing off to the side of the stage with Emily as we wait for everybody else to come.

"Wow man we finally made it out of that hell hole!" Josh yells and gives me a hug and a pat on the back before moving over to Emily. She grabs him and pulls him into a hug before squeezing his cheeks and I laugh at the disgusted expression on Josh's face. We chat for a few minutes before I hear the name of someone that means so much to me being called up to receive their diploma. I whip my head back to the direction of the stage with a proud smile on my face as I watch my angel walk up.

Once she gets her diploma she walks off the side of the stage we are standing by before running into my arms and kissing me passionately on the lips. I smile into the kiss with pure happiness and he slides slowly down my body making me groan quietly.

"Congrats Bella." I say and give her one more peck before hugging her but still being careful of her ribs that are still healing.

It has been one month since Bella was shot. There was so much blood and I remember feeling the panic at what was to come next. I was scared I would loose her. And I did...for two minutes. Her heart stopped for two minutes. I was freaking out when Josh and Owen came into the room. They stopped dead in their tracks and had wide eyes as they stared down at Bella's body and me crying. Owen snapped out of it and pushed me out of the way to begin CPR on Bella. Josh just kept staring at her with tears flowing down his cheeks.

Owen finally got Bella's heart to start beating again after two minutes and I picked her up and ran her out to the cars and drove to a hospital as fast as I could. I didn't care that I was breaking the law all I cared about was Bella and making sure she stayed alive.

We got to the hospital and they rushed her into surgery to get the bullet out. She was in surgery for hours while the three of us had to wait in the waiting room. The doctor came out with a glum look on his face and at the look my heart stopped for a second. Josh saw the look on his face to and starting asking if she was gone.

The doctor reassured us that she was breathing and alive but due to all her injuries they had to put her into a coma and they couldn't tell if she would wake up or not. I went to see her and my heart broke at the sight of her laying limp on the hospital bed with all kinds of cuts and bruises.

I spent everyday with her just waiting for her to wake up. I tried to stay over night to but Emily wouldn't let me saying that I needed food and to sleep. But I could never sleep anyways so I didn't know what the point of that was. We were all depressed. When eating breakfast nobody would talk at the table even Asher was sad. Though we didn't tell him the details of what happened because he is a little kid, we told him that Bella is hurt and may not come back. Asher loves Bella so with this news he didn't want to even play with his toy cars.

I could hear Emily crying at night as I know she also adored Bella. Everyone in this house including the gang all loved Bella.

After one week with Bella not getting any closer to waking up we began to loose hope, even though it was still so early to loose hope. But Bella's condition was bad and doctors were saying that they didn't think she will ever wake up.

Until one day when I was laying next to Bella I heard a loud groan. I froze up at the unexpected sound and sat straight up to see Bella slowly opening her eyes. She looks up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes and smiles slightly. My own eyes start to tear up at the sight of her alive and awake.

She opens her mouth to speak but winces in pain and I grab the cup of water that's beside her bed and tip it up to her lips and watch as she closes her eyes and swallows. When she is done I set the cup down and she starts to speak.

"Hey." She says with a teasing smirk on her face and I chuckle and lean down to kiss her beautiful plump lips.

After Bella left the hospital I put her on bed rest and told her that she can not leave the room. She rolled her eyes at me but didn't argue as she new that I wouldn't take know for an answer.

Bella and the rest of us decided to finish the rest of the school year online as there was only a couple weeks left.

And now here we are at graduation. Bella still is in recovery from the incident but everything is now back to normal and we all couldn't be more happy.

Asher stretches out his arms towards Bella asking for a hug and Bella laughs before giving him one. Asher then kisses Bella's cheek and looks at me from her shoulder and smiles cheekily while I give him a teasing glare right back. Bella pulls back and before I can wipe off the glare she turns around and give me a 'are you serious right now' look before rolling her eyes and moving into my arms again.

We watch as Owen, Clara, and Lily all get their diplomas and walk to us and we all get into a big group hug. Afterwards we head back home to where we have decided to throw a graduation party.

People begin to fill up the house and there are drinks being handed out. Josh of course takes all the drinks he can get and ends up drunk and passed out on the couch. Me and Bella are cracking up in laughter when we see Lily and Clara drawing a dick on his forehead.

I take Bella's hand and drag her up to our room and she gives me a confused look. I just wink at her in response and open the glass doors that lead outside to the rooftop. Earlier I lade out a bunch of candles up here to make some light. I lead her over to the patch of grass and lay down on it. She also lays down on it and cuddles up to my side and I wrap an arm around her waist as we both look up at the stars.

I then start to think of our future. I imagine myself proposing to Bella. Then her walking down the wedding isle while I wait at the other end. Our first kiss as husband and wife. Her heavily pregnant with my child. Her giving birth to our beautiful baby and us caring for him/her. And finally I imagine us old together and playing with our grandkids.

I want that with her. I want everything you can get with her. I am so in love with her and everything about her. I know that I will love her forever and when I die I will love her after that. She's the one for me as I am for her, and I am never letting her go. And so I tell her that.

"Bella?" I ask and she looks at me and our eyes meet.


"I love you."

"I love you to, James."

The End

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I am sad to say goodbye to Bella and James. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to write on wattpad but decided to anyways and I am glad I did because I have found a passion for writing.

For bonus chapters I am thinking about making one of Bella and James having kids though I am not sure yet. But if you have a specific one you want me to write let me know!

Thank you so much!!

-Izzy ❤️

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