The Mini Date (11)

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It was Friday again. Time seemed to pass really quickly. I had slept in and was in a rush to get ready. I quickly stuffed my homework in my bag and looked out the window. Adrian just pulled up on his motorbike. I cursed as I hastily toed my hair in a ponytail and grabbed my bag and helmet. 

"Adrian's here. Can't stay to eat, wish I could. Bye!" I called as I rushed out the door. I huffed as I ran up to Adrian. 

"Running a bit late are we?" Adrian chuckled. 

"Tried to get back to a really good dream, didn’t work," I laughed.

Adrian wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. He kissed me gently. I kissed him back. He licked along the bottom of my lip and I opened my mouth to let him in. I loved kissing him. It was a small escape I had from the world, from all my worries.  

"Get a room! There are eight year olds in the house!" Ebony shouted before a loud slam was heard.

I pulled back and laughed while Adrian pouted. Adrian then pulled me close again and gave me a small kiss. He didn't move to let me go and when I tried to pull away he just pulled me closer. 

"We have to go to school," I whispered against his lips. 

"I don't wanna," Adrian complained, sounding like a child.

I kissed him one last time before we pulled apart to head to school.

We walked towards my locker and people were sending me strange looks. I just ignored them but Adrian started to walk stiffly and glared. I rolled my eyes and held his hand. Once we were at my locker Ariel stormed up to me. 

"Who the f*ck is Kylie?" she growled. 

"She's just a chick I know. Why?" I asked worried. We never usually swore. 

"She spreading rumours like a wild fire," she growled. 

"What's she saying?" I asked cautiously. 

"That you screwed every guy in Adrian's group of friends and gave them all STD's!" Ariel hissed.

Adrian stiffened. I just rolled my eyes. 

"Such an original rumour," I stated dryly. 

"Everyone's talking about Delaney. Aren't you worried?" Ariel asked. 

I shrugged, "I'm guessing that Kylie will come and sit at Adrian's table again to rub it in. I can kick her ass then. You know I never cared for rumours," I told her. 

"Ebony was this close to slapping a bitch stupid for hearing it," Ariel said, making a small space between her thumb and index finger. 

"Tell them to calm down. I'll handle it at lunch," I told her and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

Ariel nodded cautiously before walking off. I turned to see Adrian's eyes black. I sighed and placed my hands in Adrian's cheek. 

"I'm sorry," he muttered. 

"Don't be sorry," I told him and gave him a small kiss. 


Again, I sat down at Adrian's table and Jackie looked nervous. 

"Don't worry. I already know about the rumour," I told her. 

Jackie relaxed, "Thank god! I didn't want you getting mad because I was planning to tell you but I was afraid that you'd get mad at me and you wouldn't sit with Adrian because you were mad at me!" Jackie blabbed. 

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