Kylene (18)

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The next couple of days were stressful, Adrian couldn't come into the house because it was considered bad luck in witch tradition. The whole family had to stay in the house so the triplet's would stay strong.

If one of us left the house the triplets would go weak because they drew strength from the family based magick so all of us needed to be near. We finally relaxed when they started to get better. It wasn't so tense.

It's been a week and everything was back to normal. There was a knock at the door and I called out that I was getting it. I opened there and there was a nervous girl standing there. It was obvious that she had been crying.

"Uh, is Ariel here?" She asked.

Not a moment later Ariel ran down the stairs and came up behind me, "Kylene? What happened?" She asked walking forward to bring her into a hug.

The girl broke down and started to cry again. I watched the exchange and noticed it was a little... intimate for friends. My eyes widened and I looked Ariel who was watching my reaction, "Does everyone else know?" I asked and she shook her head.

The girl pulled back and Ariel gingerly brushed some stray hairs from her face, "What happened?" She asked asked softly, "I told my parents and they kicked me out," She managed to get out before breaking down again.

Ariel looked heart broken, "Oh honey," She murmured and brought her in for another hug.

"How long?" I asked Ariel, "Just before you left actually. I haven't been able to get the courage to tell everyone," Ariel explained as she rubbed Kylene's back comfortingly.

I rolled my eyes, "You know no-one'll care right?" I told her.

"Not right now Delaney," Ariel snapped, "Bring her in, she needs some tea," I said, stepping back.

Ariel led Kylene into the kitchen and I started making some tea. I handed Kylene a cup of tea and she thanked me before taking a small sip. Ariel had her arm around her shoulder, she placed a small kiss on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to go," Kylene mumbled, "It's fine Kylene, I'm always here for you," Ariel comforted her.

Cassie walked in and paused when she spotted Kylene in the kitchen, "Ariel's girlfriend," I told her.

Ariel glared at me while Cassie snapped her head over to me, "What? It's not like she cares, do you Cassie?" I asked and Cassie shook her head, slightly confused.

"See? No problem," I grinned.

Ariel glared at me but Kylene had a small smile on her, "Ariel's lucky to have such an accepting family," She said in a small voice.

I smiled at her, "After mum finds out your going to become a part of this family too, she thinks that dating is marriage," I informed her.

Ariel rolled her eyes, "You know its true! Mum gushes about Adrian and how 'it's so good to finally have another man in the family'" I said making quotation marks.

"Who's Adrian?" Kylene asked, "My boyfriend," I answered.

There was knock on the door and I went to go answer, and speak of the devil. Adrian was standing there, I stepped forward and gave him a kiss. I smiled as I shut the door behind me and continued to kiss Addrian.

I hum in happiness, "What do I owe this lovely visit?" I asked.

"I just missed you," he shrugged, "Well, we have school tomorrow and I hae tonnes of homework so as much as I would love to spend time with you, I cant," I told him.

He pouted and I laughed, softly kissing his nose affectionately. He closed his eyes and buried his head into the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply. He growled deeply which I was getting used to, "Why don't we get away this weekend, just you and I," He suggested.

I smiled, "And do what exactly?" I asked, "Whatever you want," He replied but I knew what he was implying.

I pulled back to look at him, "Hmm, that sounds really nice. I'll ask my parents if I can stay at a friends," I winked.

"There's a cabin that my family owns and it's a couple of hours drive and its beside a waterfall. Its beautiful," He described the scenery, "Sounds romantic," I sighed and gave him one last kiss before trying to pull away completely.

He growled playfully and pulled me flush against him, "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Inside, where else would I go?" I replied playfully, he leaned down and gave me a passionate filled kiss that left me breathless.

"See you tomorrow Sweetheart," He winked and pulled away, walking to his bike.

I waved as I got back inside and into the kitchen where Kylene was still sitting. She looked up and Cassie narrowed her eyes, "A friends house huh?" She asked.

"Please dont tell mum and dad," I begged.

Ariel narrowed her eyes, I glared at her but glanced at Kylene, "Does she know?" I asked suddenly.

"Know what?" Kylene asked, Ariel shook her head, "Nothing, she's just talking gibberish like she always is," Ariel answered.

I rolled my eyes, "Is she going to stay?" I asked ariel, who nodded almost instantly.

"What about your parents?" Kylene mumbled.

I chuckled, "They wont mind," I told her.


My parents hadn't suspected anything when Ariel said Kylene was only a friend. Mum was slightly suspicious but didn't say anything about it. Cassie and I were the only ones who were aware of their relationship at the moment.

I had gotten into a good routine during the week. Get up, get ready, have breakfast, go to school with Adrian, come home from school with Adrian, do my homework with ebony and sometimes Cassie then dinner and bed.

I had asked my parents about going to a. friends for the weekend and didn't bat and eye when they said yes. So it was Friday morning and I was packing a small bag. Ariel and Ebony were sitting on my bed with wide smiles, "You guys are starting to creep my out," I told them but they still didn't stop.

"So... Weekend alone... With Adrian," Ariel began.

I sighed, "I'm just spending some time with him, we've really missed eachother so we thought it'd be a good idea," I told them.

Ariel groaned, "Come one Delaney! Not even the slightest, tiniest, juicy detail?" She begged.

"No! Your my sister and I love you but the only person who will know what goes on in my personal life is me," I rolled my eyes as Ariel pouted.

I heard Adrian beep his horn, we were taking a car today. Adrian had borrowed the car from his dad for the weekend. I smiled as I walked downstairs. I called out goodbye to the family before rushing outside.

I greeted Adrian with a short kiss, "Are you sure you want to go?" Adrian asked.

"I'm sure," I smiled, Adrian opened the car door for me and we made our way to school before going off to the secluded cabin.

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