Lost in the Ocean (2)

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I found the locker that Cassie told me about and did the pass code. It opened. Thanking my good memory, I chucked my bag in it and got my books that I needed and shut my locker. I noticed the halls were empty and cursed under my breath. I was most likely late.

I entered the classroom and everyone looked at me like I had murdered someone, I usually experienced looks like these when I was late in class but being new made me uneasy. The teacher glared at me, "Is there a reason for you disturbing this class?" He snapped.

"Uh, I'm new. I think this is my class," I muttered.

"Ah, yes. I do not tolerate tardiness in my classroom. Next time your late it's detention," He warned.

I nodded.

"Okay. You can go sit next to Mr. Nickles over there," He ordered.

I went over to where the teacher pointed and sat down. I looked over to who I had sat next to and was met by a pair of dazzling blue eyes. For a moment I thought I was lost at sea. Then his eyes flashed black.

I blinked, startled. I looked again but his eyes were still blue. I was most likely imagining it or was I? I hadn't come across any supernatural creatures before so I didn't know what to look for. He had shaggy blonde hair that fell into his gorgeous eyes. He was really built and I knew that if we were standing he would tower over me.

"Mr. Nickles! Would you like to answer the question I had just asked?" The teacher offered.

I snapped out of my daze and looked to the front to see everyone staring at us. I sunk down into my seat slightly and saw out of the corner of my eye the guy next to me smirk slightly.

"I have no clue sir," He answered.

"Well then pay attention next time," He grumbled before continuing.

I heard him chuckle lowly and it sent shivers down my spine. I shifted when I felt a low hum that was forming at our closeness. It wasn't exactly a hum you could hear, more like a hum you could feel.

"What's your name beautiful?" He murmured to my ear.

I jumped away from him when he almost touched my ear with his lips. He smirked. Probably thinking I jumped away because I was uncomfortable with his closeness. Well, I was but not for the reasons he was probably thinking of.

"Delaney, you?" I answered. What are you doing Delaney? I scolded myself.


We stopped talking but Adrian watched me the whole lesson. I had a slight feeling with the way people looked at Adrian that he wasn't the kindest of people. As if my life couldn't get any better, I thought bitterly. When the bell rang and everyone rushed out.

"What do you have next?"

I looked over to see Adrian leaning against the doorway and just as I had guessed he towered over me. Also blocking my exit, I cursed silently.

"Can you please move?" I asked politely.

"What do you have next?" He repeated.

"English, now will you move?" I snapped, irritated. 

I had a weird feeling about him but I'm not sure if it's good or not and it was confusing me. Especially with how he acts, it's just generally confusing how... Ugh, I can't even describe how he's acting but it's strange.

Adrian smirked and moved, I would like to see a real smile out of him instead of the annoying smirk. I started walking and Adrian walked beside me, I don't know what gave him the idea that I wanted to spend time with him. Students were sending me weird looks. They would look at me curiously but would take one look at Adrian and scurry.

A Touch of DeathNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ