1970's (20)

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School was busy as ever. The school had decided to do an seventiess themed dance. The past week everyone had been talking about it. Adrian and I were sitting together at the table in lunch, Tritan was acting as ridiculous as ever. I laughed as he started to do seventiess dance moves, obviously excited about the dance.

Adrian nuzzled his head into my neck, it had become a habit for him now. He would always do that because Adrian said it was where my scent was strongest and my scent was very addicting to him. He laughed as kissed my neck, tickling me, "You want to go to the dance?" He asked.

"Sounds like fun," I replied.

He pulled back and gave me a quick peck, when Tritan gave a wolf whistle to some girl. I then realised it was Ebony, I hit his arm hard, "What was that for?" He complained.

"That's my sister you perv," I snapped.

He grinned, "She's hot."

I rolled my eyes and turned my eyes to Adrian who was just shaking his head in a 'What-else-do-you-expect' way. He rubbed the spot where Adrian's name was on my shoulder. This morning I had inspected it more closely and saw it was a small howling wolf with Adrian's name above it.

It was very suiting. Hayden and Dominic suddenly groaned in annoyance, I looked to see Kylie walking our way. I felt Adrian shuffle closer to me and chuckled and he glared at me playfully, "Are you scared of the big, bad girl?" I said in a baby voice.

"Yes," He sulked, "Poor baby," I cooed as I kissed him softly.

He instantly kissed me back, I rested a hand on his cheek. As our kiss deepened we heard a gagging noise, "Once a slut, always a slut," I heard Kylie say.

I pulled back and Adrian's eyes had hardened. I felt his chest vibrate with a silent growl, I gave him a soft kiss and he looked at me, his look softening. I smiled, "Just ignore her," I murmured.

"He didn't ignore me while you ran off for the six months," Kylie told me, smirking.

I looked at Adrian questioningly who looked even more pissed off before, "What are you talking about Kylie?" I asked.

"Let's just say that he felt a bit lonely and I just helped him get distracted," She told me.

Adrian growled and Kylie frowned, "What's with the growling? Seriously, your not a dog," She sneered.

I laughed, she had no idea. I looked to Adrian who was watching me carefully, seeing if I believed her or not. I shook my head and kissed him again, his lips had become very addictive and it's hard not to kiss them tenty-four seven.

I felt Adrian relax slightly but he was still tense, "I know your trying to ignore Kylie and all but could you please stop with the PDA, It's starting to make me vomit," Tritan comlplained.

Dominic and Hayden stayed silent, knowing I was just trying to calm him down. I looked at Kylie who looked on the edge of furious, "Do you not care that Adrian slept with me?" she shrieked.

"Adrian baby, did you have sex with Kylie?" I asked, he shook his head.

I kissed him again, god I have to stop doing that, "Good," I winked.

Kylie just stomped away, "She's never going to give up I hope you know," Karen told me.

"I know. Let's just hope she doesn't turn into a homicidal maniac," I joked.


I had dressed in an seventies hippy dress. It was a long sleeved dress that went above my knees and the pattern was tie-died. I wore white knee high boots I styled my hair with the head band, high hair and it flicked up at the bottom.

I saw Ebony getting ready, "Who are you going with?" I asked.

"Tritan," She answered nervously, "What? Are you serious?" I shrieked.

She sighed, "He's really sweet," She told me.

I grumbled, "If he hurts you I'm taking the gloves off, and you know what I mean by that," I warned her, she just laughed.

Ebony's hair was straightened with a hair band going over her hair and across her forehead and she had dressed in a red jumpsuits. It had the flared styled pants with the flared sleeves as well, "The seventies were so fashionable," I joked.

"I know right? So stylish," She posed dramatically.

There was a knock on the door and I walked down the stairs and opened the door. I burst out laughing when I saw what Adrian had dressed in, he had worn those ridiculous suits that they wore back then.

He wore waist high, blue dress pants and a shiny long sleeved shirt that had the huge collars folded to the side. The shirt was tucked in the pants and he looked absolutely ridiculous. Adrian winked, "You look gorgeous," He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I couldn't reply because I was still laughing, mum came to the door and giggled when she saw Adrian, "Very creative Adrian. I want to take some photos, so come in Adrian," She told us.

"No," I groaned.

She placed us in front of the stairs and like a typical parent, took heaps of photos. She gushed about how cute we looked and after a while she finally let us go. Adrian led me to a car, "I borrowed my dads car again," HE explained and opened the car door for me.

I thanked him and got in. As we drove towards the school I started to fidget nervously, "What's worng?" He asked.

"I was just wondering that maybe you'd want to come with me and meet my old friend back in my old home town?" I suggested.

He grinned, "I'd love to," He answered and brought his hand up to his mouth to press a soft kiss to my knuckles.

I smiled as we arrived at the school. We got out of the car and made our to the gym which was where the dance was being held. We got in and there where strobe lights and a big, round disco ball on the roof.

I laughed as I realised that Adrian wasn't the only one who dressed in some of the worse fashion trends of the eighties. Adrian held my hand, "Want something to drink?" He asked, his mouth close to my ear to be heard over the music.

I nodded and we walked over to where the punch was. He poured two cups and handed one to me, I studied the room and spotted Ariel and Kylene talking and it seemed that they were on talking terms again instead of running around.

Adrian took my drink from me and I looked at him confused, "Time to dance," He winked.

"I cannot dance!" I exclaimed, "Good, neither can I," He winked as he dragged me out to the dancefloor.

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