Soul mates (17)

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After a while my parents had woken up and mum being the emotional person she is, immediately started crying. Even dad teared up a bit when he hugged me tight. They were both surprised at my glove free hands and dad was very proud when I told them I had controlled my gift.

This just made my mum cry even more, going on about how much I had grown and I just hugged her back while my sisters giggled at mum's dramatics. I then repeated to explain what I had done in Africa and they looked at Jagter surprised.

Dad said that he actually knew someone who had bonded to a Tasmanian devil while he was visiting Australia with him. The whole day was basically spent with my family and I started to feel slightly jetlagged. I had grabbed my bags and moved to mine and Ebony's room and fell on my made bed.

It felt strange to sleep on a normal bed after sleep in animal fur's for six months. I took my shoes off and got comfortable, Jagter jumped onto the bed and inspected the bed before settling herself on my stomach.

When I woke up it was around sunset and Jagter was walking around the room and investigating everything, "Kom hier Jagter," I murmured.

She perked up and instantly jumped onto the bed and placed her face near mine; I smiled and scratched her behind the ears. She started to purr and her eyes closed in pleasure, I smiled at the easily please cat.


I got out of the car nervously and instantly spotted Adrian glaring at everyone that walked past him. He was leaning on his motorbike and he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. I started walking and the closer I got to Adrian the more nervous I got.

When I was close his head snapped over to mine. He stared at me, like he thought I wasn't real. I stood in front of him and bit my lip nervously, "Hey Adrian," I muttered.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, "Going to school," I answered.

Adrian enveloped me in a hug and I immediately wrapped my arms around him. Loving the familiar tingles I got when I touched him. He nestled his head into my hair and inhaled, as if savouring the smell of me.

A strange growl rumbled in his chest, I went to pull back but his grip on me tightened, "Did you just growl?" I asked.

I felt him freeze and he slowly pulled back, I looked at him strangely and noticed the animalistic look in his eyes. Why didn't I notice it before?

"On your bike, we need to have a long chat," I snapped.

He got on and offered me his helmet, "What about you?" I asked, "I'll live," He answered.

We mounted his bike and he sped out of the parking lot and I spotted my sisters handing each other money, expect my sisters to bet on me. I hugged Adrian's waist as we sped past cars and I recognised the path we were going.

When Adrian parked I took of my helmet and gave it to Adrian before getting off the bike and stomping off. I heard Adrian curse and run after me, "Delaney!" He called.

"What are you?" I asked, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair making him look very attractive.

I was getting way too distracted here, "A shifter," He muttered.

There was silence, "A shifter? A bloody shifter! I told you what I was and you didn't think to tell me then so I didn't feel like such an outcast. Maybe it would have made me feel a bit better to know that you understood being a part of the supernatural world and all!" I rambled.

I walked up to him and poked his chest, "Why would you keep this from me? I trusted you with my secret, couldn't you," he stopped me before I could say another word.

Adrian had wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him and brought his lips down to mine. I kissed him back instantly without even thinking about it. I forgot how good it was to kiss him; my hands went from his chest to his head to bring him closer.

He pulled back, "I was going to tell you but you ran away," He muttered.

I blushed and shoved my head into the crook of his neck to hide the redness of my cheeks. I felt him chuckle, "What kind of shifter are you?" I asked my voice muffled.

"Wolf," He answered.

I nodded and brought myself closer to him, I didn't realise how badly I missed him until now. I laughed when Adrian suddenly lifted me off the ground and spun around on the spot. He put me back down on the ground, "Did you miss me?" I asked.

"More than you know," He murmured.

I looked at him and smiled, "Don't shifters have a gift?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked, "If I recall correctly shifters, or more commonly known as were-animal's, have the ability tosense who their soul mate is," I told him.

He looked nervous by now, "I know you're my soul mate Adrian," I whispered.

He looked shocked, "How?" He asked.

"You told me... Well, your subconscious did," I shrugged.

He looked confused, I smiled and kissed his nose, "I'll explain later," I told him.

We hung out beside the lake, Adrian was sitting while I rested my head on his legs and he played with my hair. It was very relaxing and I started to fall asleep, "Bit of jetlag?" He guessed, kissing my forehead.

I nodded sleepily as Adrian continued to play with my hair mindlessly. I was about to fall asleep when Adrian's phone started ringing, I looked at Adrian as he answered his phone. He handed it to me, "I think you're in trouble," He whispered.

I pouted and sat up, taking his phone in the process, "Hello?" I asked.

"I'm sorry to ruin your romantic evening but the triplets are coming into power," Cassie informed me.

I instantly stood up, "I'll be there as soon as I can," I said and hung up, Adrian stood up looking worried.

"What's wrong?" He asked, "The triplets are coming into power," I answered.

Adrian and I quickly rushed back and I explained what was happening. A witch comes into a power around a week before they discover their gift. It's where their body prepares itself for the Magick that will basically become their life essence.

I quickly kissed Adrian goodbye before rushing into the house. I ran upstairs and into the triplet's room, "How are they doing?" I asked, Ariel smiled, "As good as they can be. It's a painful process," Ariel reminded me.

I sighed and hugged Ariel. Mum came out of the room and we all went silent, "They're doing well but the worst is still to come," She informed us solemnly.



Kom heir Jagter - Come here Jagter

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