Jack Kyleson (14)

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I tapped my foot impatiently as we waited on the boundaries of the camp; it was getting close to sunset. Zahara placed a calming hand on my shoulder and smiled soothingly. My foot stopped tapping as I felt the familiar cackle and zap of the transportation spell.

A couple appeared with bags at their feet. The man looked to be in his late fifties, with greying hair and sparkling, brown eyes.  A woman who looked a bit younger had jet black hair running smoothly to the middle of her back and brown eyes as well but a different shade to the mans.

“Zahara, old friend! It’s been a while,” He greeted warmly.

Zahara smiled, “It has, too long,” She agreed, hugging him lightly.

The woman stepped forward to greet Zahara, “Zahara,” She greeted kindly.

“Nala,” She greeted her, hugging.

Zahara stepped backed beside me, “This is Delaney, the one I told you about,” She introduced.

The man stepped up and instantly shook my hand, “Jack Kyleson and this is my beautiful wife Nala,” He greeted.

I smiled shyly and nodded, “No mean to be rude but it is getting late and we would like to rest before our busy day tomorrow,” Jack told Zahara.

“Of course, follow me. Delaney, you are welcome to retire to your own Heilige ruimte,” Zahara nodded to me.

I nodded thankfully and turned to leave. Tomorrow Jack would start training me. Jack was very known around the witch world, his gift was turning things into gold with a touch of his hand, inanimate or not.  Zahara had told me that our gifts were similar and he might be able to train me to control my gift which got me very excited.

I entered my tent to see a woman lighting the fire in my tent, she turned to leave after the wood was burning successfully. She turned to me and bowed slightly, “Dankie,” I thanked her.

She nodded and left the tent. Ever since I woke up two weeks ago Zahara had been teaching me African which was a difficult language but Zahara said I was natural and would be speaking fluent in no time.

I sat on my very comfortable bed. Even though it wasn’t a mattress and a bed frame it was made of furs of animals they had hunted themselves. They did skinned and cleaned the furs naturally by hand. It might sound a bit gross but Zahara assured me it was very clean and hygienic. To be honest it’s one of the most comfortable things I have slept on.

I dug into my bag and changed into my pyjama’s before lying down and staring at the fire. The nights were always relaxing in Africa; the noises of the animals in the wilderness were very calming as my eyes started to flutter close.


My ears heard the first morning horn of the morning. The first horn was for the scouts and hunters so they can travel and still have time to hunt then travel back. Sometimes it would take a while to travel until you came across any animals to hunt.

There were three horns. First was for the hunters and scouts, second was for the water collectors and field workers and the third were for the workers that worked around the camp. Such as clean the furs, cook food and teach the young witches of the camp.

Even though it wasn’t necessary I always got up on the first horn. I checked the fire to make sure it was out before getting dressed and heading out, braiding my hair in the process. Unlike normal African tribes everyone was dressed somewhat normal, the women wore dresses and skirts and such and the men wore pants and shirts.

The hunters always wore dark colours, since our camp was near the forest part of Africa they needed to blend in with the greenery which wasn’t that hard to begin considering our natural connection with Mother Nature.

Some of the maids were already up cooking for the hunters. A maid handed me a wooden bowl with soup and bread, “Dankie,” I nodded to her before sitting down in on a log in front of the fire with a cauldron bubbling on top.

“I forgot about the three horn system,” I looked up to see jack with his own soup and bread.

I smiled, “Not an early riser?” I guessed.

“Not at all, I love my sleep,” He answered.

I laughed, “I have no choice, especially when you have eight year olds running around the house,” I told him, “Oh I remember what that felt like. Stomping around the house at six o’clock in the morning he groaned.

“You have children?” I asked.

He nodded, “Three. Two boys and a girl, Anthony, Linton and Jessica,” He informed me.

“I bet Jessica became quite the tomboy,” I joked.

“You have no idea. Especially with Jessica being the youngest, at least I don’t have to worry about killing any boys she can just do it herself,” He exaggerated.

I laughed and he continued to tell me about his children. All of them now in their twenties had moved and gone to explore before settling down. His oldest, Anthony, had already settled in Australia with his fiancée. Linton had a girlfriend and was just about to move in while Jessica was still the lone wolf she had always been her whole life.

Jack had talked about his kids with love and pride which was always nice to listen to. I don’t think there is anything better to listen to then a proud father talking about his children. Except those conceited ones who shoved it in everyone’s faces how successful they were.

Jack had gone and told Nala goodbye before we started to walk towards the forest, “The forest is the best place to start. It helps you calm down immensely and that’s the first step, calming down. It’s a long process I hope you know,” Jack warned.

“I wouldn’t expect any less,” I told him.

We ended up in a small clearing and Jack grinned, “Perfect! Why don’t we sit down?” He suggested and we sat cross legged in the middle of the clearing.

“Okay. Now to start off with you need to start meditating,” He instructed me.

I nodded and closed my eyes, concentrating on my breathing, “Okay now are you calm?” He asked.

I nodded, “You feel the connection to Magick, correct?” again, I nodded.

“Perfect. Now I want you to hold that connection very firmly and just feel it, study it, we won’t stop this until you know every single thing about that connection,” He explained.

It was much easier said than done.



Heilige ruimte - Sacred space

Dankie - Thank you 

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