Introducing The Divas!

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(I included Mariah Carey's song, "Obsessed" but I changed the words slightly. It's not my song! I changed the lyrics so it fits with the story.)

We all got asked to stand up and tell everyone how to breathe through your diaphragm. Whatever that is!, I initially thought. We each took turns to breathe through our stomachs and out back up through our mouths. A few people had vocal coaching before so they already knew.

"Good, work, guys! Breathe in for 4 seconds...hold for 4 seconds...and out for 8 seconds!" The teacher started clicking his fingers to help with timing. I counted in my head. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four , five, six, seven, eight.

We practised holding notes. We watched Whitney do it with ease, Beyoncé was just amazing at it, Christina had a good rich tone with her voice and Mariah held a melodic, "Ah.". As she went higher and higher, so did Ariana, trying to show off. Everyone looked at them both. It seemed intimidating for a good minute there.

Sarah's PoV

I watched the two girls try to get higher than each other. As me, Cheryl, Kimberley, Nadine and Nicola were holding oos and ahhs, I decided when the teacher went out - It was time for a battle!

"Everyone! Let's all have a vocal battle! The highest note, the lowest note and the longest note." I announced to everyone, pretending I was the teacher myself, even though I wasn't that good at vocals, really.

The other girls looked at me and I smirked, "Oh, come on, girls! It will help us find our limits!" I assured everyone. I stood up on a podium and took my conductor's hands out, waving them to warm them up for conducting. I smiled brightly as everyone stood in the circle. "Alright, um, you...and you go turn on some music." I instructed to two girls who instantly nodded and turned some simple music on. "Thank you, girls. And you are?"



"Hey Kimbers, hand me that stick over there, will you?" I sweetly asked her with batting eyelashes. She sighed and tossed it over. "Ok, everyone will sing with the pitch of the music and then as it gets higher, you will stop when it's too high for you. The last one standing wins for the highest note!" I said as Mr Austin came back in. He looked at me stunned. The others stared too. "Oh, hey, sir! I was just getting everyone to see their limits and high, low and long they can keep a note." I told him. I smiled with my white teeth and batted my eyelashes.

"Oh, Sarah, you're crazy. But great work. I think I will take over now." He said, gesturing me to give the conducting stick to him. Alexandra turned off the music. "Thank, you, Alex. I will play each note on my piano." We all stood in a circle and breathed for a minute before the Chorus teacher started playing the black, grand piano.

Every time Mr Austin counted us in, we went,

"Ah." And then a "Lalalalalalalalala!". As we each prepared our voices, ready to sing the first note, I was curious to see how high Mariah and Ariana could go. Higher and higher, everyone either sung or stopped at their highest note. Me and other girls are not that high with our vocals and we stopped around the middle. Except for Kimberley of course. She always wanted to be a singer on the west end so singing was her thing. The boys were mostly lower than us and Beyoncé, Mariah, Christina and Whitney were definitely hitting all the high notes. Whitney hit with them power though. She definitely was the most powerful singer of the group. Beyoncé sung quite high too but stopped just before the very high falsetto notes were coming in, Ariana and Mariah still singing strongly. The class watched them in fascination. Mr Austin kept going up and up and up octaves on his piano.

"Ok everyone! Ari and Mimi are the only ones left, who will sing the highest note? Who will go home, being a winner?" I said like an excited TV presenter. The other girls laughed.

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