(16) First Day- :)

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Your POV:
As you stared towards the building you were soon to be working at, many of thoughts plagued your mind. Number one: it's bigger than you previously imagined. Number two: What happens if everyone you work with hates you? And number three, which was the main one really: Did they know about everything?

Shaking your head, effectively dismissing the inner bombardment of worry, you walked towards the doors. You were mesmerised, to say the least. You had been to Quantico multiple times before, but this was different. Something about working at Quantico made everything seem clearer and better than just visiting.

You carried on towards the elevators, ensuring to hold the doors open incase anyone wanted to jump in last minute -- you would've hoped that someone would be nice enough to do it for you. Once you realised that no one was in face coming in, then you clicked the button with the number '6' on.

It was a swift and rather smooth ascent, no jolts, no feeling sick, nothing. Your ride ended with a ding signalling that the doors had opened. You had made it.

Smiling, you walked out of the doors and towards the glass ones and peered inside briefly. It was full of people either walking around, sat down in what you assumed was the break room, or desks and offices dotted around the place.

The clock in the corner caught your eye, it read '08:04'. "Shit," you mumbled to yourself, fumbling to open the door.

At the same time, you felt a presence next to you. "Are you alright?" they asked, a hint of amusement in their tone.

You looked up and saw a man smiling down at you with white, pearly teeth. You smiled back at him, "Uh, yeah. First day, that's all."

His face contorted into one of realisation, his mouth forming into an 'O' shape. "You're [L/N], right?"

You nodded your head at him, your face flushing slightly. "The one and only, well, kind of."


You frowned at him, confused slightly. "Pardon?" You asked.

He grinned at you yet again, laughter coming from him. "I'm SSA Luke Alvez."

Your eyes widened and started muttering our small apologises, embarrassment flooding your body. The man, who you now know is called Luke, told you it was okay and then opened the door for you.

"Thank you," you said, smiling softly at him. "Also, could you tell me where I can find Agent Prentiss' office? I've kind of forgotten since last time."

Luke pointed the door that was directly behind you. You thanked him yet again and made your way over to Emily Prentiss's office. You knocked three times and waited to be let in. 

"Come in," her voice came from the other side of the door. You opened the door and shut it behind. "Agent [L/N]."

You nodded at him, "Ma'am."

She put her hand up in the air, staring at you. "Please, call me Emily."

"Noted." You replied.

Shes stood up from her chair and did up one of her buttons on his dark blue -- almost black -- suit jacket, "Let's go introduce you to the team."

Your heart stopped for a small moment, worry once again starting to enter your mind. Those questions coming back with full force. Nonetheless, you followed Agent Prentiss to the middle of the bullpen to where everyone was gathered. We're they asked to be gathered when you were in her office?
She led you over and stood in front of five people. "Everyone, this is our newest agent, [Y/N] [L/N]." She introduced, you smiling warmly at them all.

A blonde woman walked forward, her teeth glistening as her lips curved into a small smile, "Jennifer Jareau, but everyone calls me JJ."

You shook her hand back, "Nice to meet you JJ."

Soon, JJ was replaced by an older man, who also shook your hand, "Matt Simmons."

He ket go a few seconds after saying his name and then went back to standing next to Luke Alvez. You smiled at him and waved, "Nice to see you again, Luke." You joked.

Matt's eyes flicked between the two of you, "You know each other."

You quickly realised how that sounded and tried to resolve the issue, "Oh! No, no not really. We met each other like five minutes ago at the door."

Luke smiled at you and shook his head up and down. "Nice to see you again [L/N]."

You moved on to the oldest of the group who you immediatly recognised as David Rossi. Your eyes lit up. "Dave!"

Rossi's wide smile matched yours and pulled you into a hug. He released you soon after and said, "How you been? How's your father."

Your smile faltered for a second and you throat grew tighter. So they didn't know. "Oh, you know. Same old, same old."

"Well, send my love to your mother, will you?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, of course." You sent him a tight lipped smile and internally cursed yourself for the terrible cover up. You would've been surprised if they didn't know that you were lying.

"And this is Dr. Reid," Emily spoke from behind you, pointing to a tall, lanky man with curls placed on his head which sort of resembled a mop.

You went to go shake his hand but you saw his hesitancy. You guessed that he didn't shake hands or didn't like touch in general so you opted for a simple wave. He waved back at you, his smile matching everyone else who was still looking at you. "Nice to meet you, Dr. Reid."

Emily clapped her hands together, "Okay. Now that's done, let's all get back to our paper work." There was a cacophony of groans from around you, not from you though. You were just glad that this whole interaction was over and if that meant doing boring paper work on your first day? Then so be it.

Each of them dispersed and left you standing by yourself. They all went to their designated desks. Of course, since you were new, you didn't have an assigned desk so you were completely at a loss for where you should be.

"Hey," a voice from beside you made you jump, pulling you out of your mind. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump."

You turned to face the person talking to you; it was Dr. Reid. "Oh, no. It's fine." You waved him off, not wanting him to feel bad.

His hazel eyes met yours, "Are you okay?" He asked you.

You nodded at him, you plastered a fake smile on your lips a lot quicker than you expect. "I'm perfect. I was just wondering where my desk is, though."

Dr. Reid's eyes widened in understanding and gestured you to follow him, "This one's yours," he said, "It's opposite mine, if that's okay with you?"

"Of course, Dr. Reid--"

He interrupted you, "You can just call me Spencer. No need for the formalities."

"Okay then," you took in his advice and refrained from calling him Doctor again. "Thank you, Spencer."

You sat down on your chair and swivelled on it, getting used to the feeling. It wasn't necessarily comfortable, but it wasn't uncomfortable either. It was just an office chair, to be honest.

Spencer cleared his throat and walked back over to his desk and sat down in his own chair. His head disappeared behind his computer for a second or two before popping back up. His eyes met your, "Welcome to the team, [Y/N]."

Warmth spread throughout your being, along with a red tinge to your cheeks. "Thank you."
I hoped you liked this chapter! Thank you so much for over 250 read on this one shot book! Love you!🍳💕✨

Word Count: 1,301

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