(30) Vineyards, Toasts and Bridesmaids- :)

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Your POV:
"I refuse to go back there... It is no." You said while holding your glass of champagne. Your best friend Alice was getting married this weekend, she decided to do it at a beautiful hotel surrounded by vineyards and a beautiful Villa.

"But Y/N... He was so cute!" Alice said with a smirk playing on her lips. A guy at the restaurant has been exchanging looks with you. He seemed to be with a group of friends as well. He had long curls cut perfectly to above his shoulder, his lips looked rosy and soft while he sipped on his... orange juice. His eyes shaped in a form of the bambi's eyes making his softening his powerful gaze.

You left a sigh escape your lips, a chuckle coming out as well. There was no away you were going back to the restaurant's bar. You couldn't and besides that as one of the bridesmaids you wanted to look like you had your best sleep.

Alice managed to let it go and you two parted ways. In the middle of the night, your thoughts were possessed by the guy back in the restaurant. His built shoulders but fragile appearance making your mind moan to herself. After a while you drifted back to sleep, waking up the morning after.

The morning went on a rush, everyone running around to make sure everything would go as perfectly as ever. You looked at Alice giving her a reassurance smile. Everyone gathered around taking pictures and after that, you excused yourself to use the bathroom.

You walked the hallway after asking someone where the bathrooms were deciding to also make a stop at your bedroom and do a change of shoes for the party. You heard someone knocking at your door making you jump slightly.

"Who is it?" You asked while walking towards it, confused because you weren't expecting anyone or ordered any kind of room service.

"Room service for Miss Y/N." The man said, his lips curving into a quick smirk while waiting for you to open the door.

You opened the door, your eyebrows raising a bit "I'm sorry... I didn't order anything... I..." You said being cut off by another voice.

"Is everything alright, hun? Is this man upsetting you?" The tall guy from the restaurant asked you. His arm curving around you, glancing at the man in front of both of you.

Confusion hit you hard, being too much for you to take in in such a short time "Uh... I think he was mistaken. I didn't order anything, did you?" You asked him after he slightly raised his jacket in your direction so you could see his badge.

"JJ, Em... We got him." He said next to his white shirt, tackling the unsub down when he tried to run "Are you alright?" He asked, his breathing heavy from the act.

"Y-Yeah... I mean, yes. I think so." You said, your eyes glaring at the figures who showed up after. Them all being the persons who were seated at the restaurant.

After explaining to you what happened, Alice and some of your other friends showed up, asking If you were alright. You felt bad for being taking away the attention from her and her wedding party. The Unsub that the team was currently after for, had a series of crimes committed, all of them being with bridesmaids during a previous story of his life.

"Oh my... Thank you so much for saving my friend. I-..." She said still holding into you "Please... The least we can do is having you at my party downstairs." Alice said.

You walked down to the patio, the night falling down on the sky. You approached Spencer who was drinking by the bar, a small smile playing on your lips. You cleared your voice, making his eyes drift from the champagne to you.

"Thanks for saving me. That was... a really nice shot." You said trying to make a small joke, Spencer laughing discreetly at it, while you giggled.

"Well, I had to have your attention some way..." He said still looking at you, your eyes meeting, toasting for a near future.
I hope you liked/loved this one shot! I hope you have an amazing day/night/morning/evening/afternoon! LOVE YOU!🐸🌱✨

Word Count: 726

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