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When Alyssa walked into DADA with Ryleigh, the two where surprised to see that all the tables were moved out the way and a large cupboard stood in the middle of the classroom. Alyssa knew instantly what the lesson was and mentally gulped. She hated boggarts. Then again, who wouldn't, they are your biggest fear.

'Attention!' Professor Grant silences the classes chattering with his loud booming voice, 'Okay then! Can anyone tell be what is in this cupboard?'
'That's a boggart that is.'
'Very good Mr Finnegan.'
Alyssa resisted the urge to laugh at Seamus' dad's answer which was almost identical to his own in 3rd year.

'Can anyone tell me what a boggart is? Yes Miss Greengrass!'
'A boggart is a shapeshifter, it takes the form of whatever a particular person fears the most.'
'Correct! There is a spell to fight them though. Riddikulus! Everyone chant it after me. Riddikulus!'
'Very good, now get in a line and each of you will then face your boggart. I want each f you to picture the thing you fear the very most and turn it into something...Funny! Go Mr Malfoy.'

Alyssa shrunk to the back of the classroom and hoped desperately that they wouldn't have enough time for everyone to go. She wasn't very interested in people's boggarts. They were all stupid things like spiders and the dark. Remus' was of course the moon- though not many people realised that was what it was- and Sirius' was his parents. That was depressing.

When her finally got to the back of the classroom, Alyssa shrunk back further.
'Has everyone gone?'
'Granger hasn't!' James shouted and she felt like she could kill him. Why did he say that?! Oh right, because he's a moronic git.
'Well then! Last but not least, Miss Granger it's your turn.'

Alyssa walked slowly forwards. She honestly had no idea what it was however she had a feeling it wouldn't be pretty. The once clown boggart, shifted into a girl she know too well. A dying girl. She bit her lip in hopes to stop tears coming as she stared at Hermione's dying body with blood seeping out.
'Mione?' She murmured.
'I hate you.' The girl hissed venomously, nothing like her sister.
'It's your fault I'm dead.'
'I-i tried to save you, I'm sorry.'
'It's all your fault.' Then she changed into Fred and Alyssa gasped.
'I'm dead because of you. Why couldn't you save me?'
'I tried, honestly Freddie I'm so sorry you don't even know. Riddikulus!' The body was replaced by Fred and Hermione laughing and Alyssa smiled sadly and backed away, unaware of the eyes all on her. Not surprising when you think about the fact that whoever those two people were, they were dead.

When Alyssa walked back. The marauders exchanged shocked looks. Who were those people and how did they die? They couldn't help wondering.

Alyssa ignored all the looks she got and the Professor cleared his throat.
'Lovely work all, class dismissed!'
Everyone left quickly and Sirius notes how Alyssa had tears in her eyes as she grabbed a friend of hers and slipped out the classroom quickly.

Whilst Alyssa went to Transfiguration, Luna had DADA next and they were doing boggarts too. Professor Grant gave the same explanation that he gave the 6th year before putting them in a line. Luna was near the back in front of Regulus who look very nervous.

'I don't think we should have to show everyone in class our greatest fear.'
Regulus couldn't help but agree.
'This is a complete invasion of our privacy,' muttered Barty Crouch Jr.
'Your just worried people will find out your a deatheater.' Luna said which made him, Regulus and Evan freeze.
'W-what are you talking about Lovegood?' Barty said worriedly.
'I'm surprised Voldemort'- flinch- 'is so willing to recruit people who are dumb enough not to understand what I just said.' Luna replied dreamily.
'You say his name?' Evan asked.
'I do. I used to not say it but then I realised he was trying to kill me anyway so there was no point in pretending to be scared of him.'
'Pretending? So your not scared of him.' The three were now intrigued.
'Not especially. More annoyed at him if anything. He's the reason lots of people I love are dead and so I do not like him, however I don't fear him either.'
'That's foolish.'
'Says the deatheater.'
'I'm not a deatheater.'
'Then pull back your left sleeve.'
'Point proven. I don't really care. So long as you don't kill anyone.'
'I wouldn't kill anyone.'
'Not even muggles and muggleborns? That's what Voldemort wants isn't it.'
'I'd rethink my path if I were you, just a suggestion.' Luna then walked to have her go with the boggart leaving the three boys speechless.

She walked calmly to the front and pulled it her wand. A blonde man appeared on the floor. Dead. Before anything else couldn't happen, she waved her wand and said,
'Riddikulus.' Before walking to the back of the classroom. She knew it was her dad but she was determined to not let emotions cloud her. Her hands subconsciously flew up to fiddle with her necklace. Her dad's necklace. It was the Deathly Hallows one that he wore all the time.

She didn't even notice the other three go and walk towards her.
'Lovegood! Is she ignoring me?'
'I don't think she can hear you.'
Her eyes flew open and she frowned.
'How can I help you?'
'You zoned out there.'
'Yes, that often happens.'
'Who was that man in your boggart?'
'My dad. Killed by deatheaters whilst saving my life,' she drew a shaky breath and the boys looked guilty.
'I'm sorry.' Evan said.
'Not your fault. Well kind of. Anyway I should be going. Goodbye! I'll see you all soon I'd imagine. Well done on defeating your boggarts. I hope you realise that joining Voldemort is not a brilliant idea. Byeeee!' And she skipped away leaving the boys blinking in confusion after her.

'She's...interesting.' Barty finally said.
'I bit weird but she seems like an okay person seeing as she's a Gryffindor.'
Regulus mused and Evan nodded.

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