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A newspaper was shown, Umbridge at the front shaking hands with Fudge on Hogwarts grounds.

'Gods, what's happening now?' Lily groaned.

'What's happened to Dumbledore?' Someone yelled.

'He died?' Bella asked hopefully.

'Having already revolutionised the teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts Dolores Umbridge will, as high inquisitor, have powers to address the seriously falling standards at Hogwarts School.' Fudge announced from within another article on the newspaper.

'What?! You are kidding.' Marlene groaned.
'Falling standards? She's literally the one bringing them down.' Regulus scoffed.
'Also let's be real, the standards were never that high- what with Voldemort infiltrating school grounds literally every year.' Lily added.

Umbridge was shown walking down the hallway, and at noticing a girl and boy kissing on a bench, used magic to separate them making them gasp.

'She's just bitter cos no one will ever love her.' Barty rolled her eyes.
'She's so real for that though, all the corridor PDA makes me feel 20 times more single.' Marlene pointed out.

She then charmed 3 boys ties to tighten around their necks and then for their shirts to tuck in.

'I hate her...I hate that bitch.' James muttered.

She now stood in Trelawney's class, questioning her.
'Just one question, dear. You've been in this post how long, exactly?'

'Poor woman looks terrified.' Alice frowned.

She walked slowly around Snape, asking with a smile,
'You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?'
'But you were unsuccessful?'
'Obviously.' He replied bitterly.

'Ugh I can't even take satisfaction in Snape being pissed off, that's how much I hate that bitch.' Sirius complained. Severus rolled his eyes.

Ron grinned from his seat causing Snape to whack him over the head with his book the moment Umbridge left.

Marlene laughed whilst Lily rolled her eyes at him but he just shrugged.

In the courtyard, Fred and George were playing with fireworks in front of the other students who were cheering until Umbrige used magic to stop them.

'Ugh spoilsport.' Sirius complained.

More and more placards were being put up by Filch with new rules written on them.

'Does that woman have no life?' Remus scoffed.
'She's one of those teachers that I can't understand why they'd ever get a job as a teacher cause they literally hate all children.' Peter said, 'like Miss Mitchell from primary.'
Marlene shuddered,
'Don't remind me, I almost blocked that old crone from my memory. She had it out for me.'
'Well you did always throw paper aeroplanes at her head.' James pointed out.
'So did Pete!' Marlene objected, 'but he never got blamed, bloody guy just gave her a clueless look and he was completely out of trouble.'
'Not my fault you glared at her.' Peter shrugged, 'what did you expect?'
The other marauders and Lily all groaned making it clear this wasn't the first time they'd had this argument.

She now stood observing Flitwick's choir practice and got out a measuring tape to measure him making the professor's eyes widen in disbelief.

Everyone's jaws dropped.
'Damn.' Cissa muttered.

Umbridge was in Trelawney's room again.
'Could you please predict something for me?'
'I'm sorry?' Trelawney looked appalled at the suggestion.
'One teensy little prophecy?'
Trelawney remained silent. Ron and Harry exchanged a look.
'Pity.' She turned to leave but Trelawney quickly stopped her, her voice desperate,
'No, wait. Wait, no. I think I do see something. Yes, I do. Something dark. You are in grave danger.'
Umbridge smiled before jotting something down on her notepad,

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