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People bustled in front of King's Cross Station rushing to their trains. A blue Ford Angela parked up front.
'10:58. Come on, come on.'
'Train will be leaving any moment.'
'Fred, George, Percy, you first.'
The three Weasley boys ran through the wall.

Ginny then ran through, Arthur and Molly following.
'After you, dear.'
They made it to the platform, Ginny waiting on them.
'Come one, Ginny, we'll get you a seat. Hurry.'

Harry and Ron  were still on the Muggle platform when they heard their names being called out. They turned to see Alyssa rushing out of breath towards them. Ron frowned,
'Lyss? What are you doing here? Where's Hermione?'

'Aw, concerned about his crush.'

'On the train I'd imagine- I got lost with all the people. Can I come with you guys.'
'Of course- we better hurry though.'
'Let's go.'

They started to the wall, only for Harry to hit solid brick and crash, making Alyssa and Ron fly over their carts.

Everyone winced, Alyssa rubbing her head in memory. Frank spoke up, asking what everyone was thinking,
'Why is the gateway sealed?'
'Only really powerful magic can do that.' Bella added with a frown.

The station worker from last year came up to the three.
'Oi. What do you three think you're doing?'
'Lost control of the trolley, sir.'
'Ugh fuck that hurt.'

He turned and gave Alyssa a disapproving look which she met with other a glare.

'You go girl.' Marlene cheered.
'Marlene, please stop cheering for her every time she breaks a rule or is impolite- it's really not a good example.' Lily said sternly.
'Who are you to talk? You're not her mum.'
' Neither are you.'
'I never said I was.'
'Let's stop shall we.' Alyssa cut in, 'for the record, it doesn't matter if you discourage my swearing, it won't do anything because I'm showing you the past... well I guess it's actually the future, but either way.'
'Well said.' Luna nodded, giving Alyssa a hug which she instantly reciprocated.

As he walked away their voices became more hushed.
'Why can't we get through?'
'I don't know. The gateway has sealed itself for some reason.'
'Ugh, why do things like this always happen us. Harry, I blame it on you.'
He looked slightly offended so Alyssa quickly added,
'No offence or anything, but the train door doesn't just seal- someone clearly made it. And you're the only one of us who someone would do that to.'
'I mean she has a point mate.' Ron shrugged. Harry rolled his eyes.

The clock chimed, showing 11:00.
'The train leaves at exactly 11:00. We've missed it.'
'Harry...Alyssa...if we can't get through, maybe Mum and Dad can't get back.'
Alyssa rested a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
'I'm sure they'll be fine.'
'Maybe we should just go and wait by the car.'
'The car...'

Harry and Alyssa looked at Ron in confusion, Alyssa more so half-confusion, half-suspicion.
'What're you thinking of, Ron?
Actually, I'm not sure I want to know.'

'Please don't do something stupid, please don't do something stupid.' Regulus muttered hopefully.

The outside of King's Cross was shown, the Ford Angela rising into view, flying through the air. A cab driver looked out his window to see the impossible sight.

'And you did something stupid.' Regulus groaned.

Everyone's jaws dropped.
'Our of all the insanely idiotic things.' Lily scolded, raising her voice slightly.
'That was AWESOME!' Marlene yelled.
'Damn Evans, giving off major mum vibes.'
Sirius joked and Lily glared back,
'You, shut it. And Marlene, no, no that was not awesome. That was dangerous and stupid and reckless and idiotic.'
'Okay, I'm not an English genius but don't those words all mean the same thing.' Marlene replied thoughtfully and Lily let out an annoyed growl. Alyssa shuffled behind Regulus, who happed to be the person next to her, so to not be on the other end of Lily's shouting.

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