Detentions and gossip

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A loud voice cut through the hall from a usually perfectly composed Slytherin.

Narcissa was walking down the hall briskly, heels clicking against the floor until she heard the voice. She stopped abruptly, scrunching her eyes shut in annoyance and anger before plastering a fake smile on her face and spinning to face the source of said voice.

'Lucius! Hey.' She said with fake sweetness.
'Hey...I've been trying to find you for over an hour now, where have you been?'
'Oh you know, just out and about. I caught up with Bella and Andy so...' she trailed off, unsure what to say. Lucius frowned.

'Are you okay? You've been kind of distant lately.'
'Sorry, I didn't realise, I've just been so busy with work- OWL's coming up and all.'
'Right...' he looked at her sceptically.
'So, you and the Black blood traitor?' He enquired critically making Narcissa scowl slightly.
'Don't call him that!'
'Why? It's true and you know it. What's up with you? You've been distant and avoiding me.'
'Maybe my common sense finally kicked in.' She muttered under her breath.

'Nothing! I've just been busy, don't think too much of it.'
'Yeah...I guess.'
'Great! I need to get to class so-'
'It's 6 in the evening.'
'On a Sunday.'

'Yeah no but I have to meet with McGonagall. She wants to speak to me about something.'
'I don't know but maybe she thinks I've improved at Transfiguration! I have been studying more and I really hoped she'd notice- wouldn't that be great if she did?' Narcissa quickly lied through her teeth and Lucius nodded with a small frown.
'I suppose.'

'Great! Well, I need to go- don't want to keep her waiting! Bye!'
Seeing the still sceptical look on Lucius' face, she did something that caused her physical pain. She leant over and kissed him quickly on the cheek making him blink in surprise before smiling at her.
'Yeah, sorry, I'm just paranoid. Have fun Cissa, bye.'

She waved good and turned to walk down the hall, fighting the urge to wipe her mouth. As she turned the corner and shuddered in disgust before she made to head to the Slytherin common room before hearing harsh footsteps behind her.
'Cissa hey.'
'Oh hi Lucius, nice to see you...again.'
'Yeah, I figured I'd walk you to McGonagall's office.'
'Oh really don't need to.'
'Really, it's no problem- I've got nothing to do anyway, maybe we can stay up after and chat.' He winked suggestively after that.

'Wow I can't say no to that...can I? Can I please say no?'
'Let's go!'
'Didn't think so.'

He placed his arm around her shoulder much to her distaste and lead her towards McGonagall's office, chatting to her as they walked. They finally stopped outside of her office and she turned to him with a fake smile,
'Well, thanks for walking me.'
She stood still, waiting for him to walk away, but instead he just blinked expectantly at her.
'Well...bye.' She tried again.
'Go ahead.'
He gestured to the door. Seeing no way around it, Narcissa sighed and knocked on the door, hearing a loud,
'Come in.' From inside.

Narcissa took a deep breath before pushing open the door to McGonagall's office and stepping inside, closing the door behind her.
McGonagall raised an eyebrow at the girl.
'Miss Black. How may I help you?'
'Hi! Wow, fancy seeing you here.'
'In my office?'
'Um yeah...'

'Is there any real purpose to why you're here Miss Black, I though that pranks and such like were above you.'
'Yes. I am not blind, I can see your cousin attempting to climb in through my window, which, I might add, is 5 stories high. I assume you are the distraction? I expected better.'
Narcissa said in confusion before looking up at said window and seeing Sirius seemingly trying to pry it from its hinges outside.
'What the...' Narcissa muttered in disbelief.
'My sentiments exactly.'

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