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A/N- hey!! So as you probably guessed by the fact I'm updating, I have decided to continue this story. Hope y'all enjoy it and once again, sorry for the slow updates!


Harry walked through the courtyard with his owl perched on his arm.
He let her fly off, winter turned to spring, and the owls flew into the Great Hall where the students were studying.
'Hi, Hedwig.'

'Look at you, playing with your cards. Pathetic! We've got final exams coming up soon.' Hermione chided to which Ron responded.
'I'm ready. Ask me any question.'
Harry and Alyssa watched on in amusement.
'Alright. What are the three most crucial ingredients in a forgetfulness potion?'
'I forgot.'

'Wow, great job! He really proved her wrong.' Marlene said sarcastically as the others sniggered.

'And what, may I ask, do you plan to do if this comes up in the final exam?'
'Copy off you.'

'Mood.' Sirius sighed.

'No, you won't. Besides, according to Professor McGonagall, we're to be given special quills, bewitched with an anti-cheating spell.'

James pouted,
'I really hate those quills.'
Lily rolled her eyes,
'And yet, somehow, you still always manage to pass your exams with impressive scores.'
He turned to her with a smirk,
'Aw, have you been paying attention to my school grades Lilypad.'
She rolled her eyes again.

'That's insulting! It's as if they don't trust us.'
'I know, why ever wouldn't they trust us.' Alyssa said dryly.
Harry snorted at Alyssa's comment. Ron then looked at his Chocolate Frog card.
'Dumbledore again!'
He threw the card down and Alyssa looked at it before picking it up. Neville then hopped into the Great Hall, legs stuck together. Everyone in the hall laughed, besides Hermione who looks at him sympathetically and Alyssa who frowned at everyone's amusement.

Alice's eyes widened at the sight but Frank squeezed her arm reassuringly.

'Leg locker curse?'
'You have got to start standing up to people, Neville.'
'How?! I can barely stand at all.'
Seamus brandished his wand and walked up to them.
'I'll do the counter curse.'
'No, that's all I need. You to set my bloody kneecaps on fire.'
Neville exclaimed.

'Damn, your son's sassy.' Remus muttered to Frank and Alice who couldn't help but smile at their sons' comment.

'I don't appreciate the insinuation, Longbottom. Besides, if anyone cares to notice, my eyebrows have completely grow back.'
Seamus stormed away, revealing a shaved spot on the back of his head.

Everyone laughed at the sight.

Alyssa then looked at the Chocolate frog card, her eyes widening as she gasped, quickly getting her sisters' and friends' attention.
'I found him! I knew his name was familiar!'
''Dumbledore's particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard, Grindlewald, in 1945, for his discovery of the twelve uses of dragon blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicholas Flamel!''
'This whole time, he was on the bloody Chocolate Frog card?!' Ron threw his hands up in irritation.

They all leant forwards in anticipation. Alyssa sighed,
' If only we had remembered sooner. We read it on the train that day.'

'Follow me!'
The quartet jumped up and followed after Hermione.
'Hey, wait! Where are you going?! What about the counter curse?!'
Neville then fell down, the hall laughing as Alyssa came back to help him.
'Sorry, Neville! I forgot!'
She said apologetically before performing the counter curse and helping Neville up.
'Thanks, Alyssa.'
'No problem.'
'Um... would you like to maybe study together sometime?' He asked shyly, flushing slightly red.

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