Burn it all down

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Awareness comes to him in spades. As if his consciousness ever so slowly latches onto the shifting world around him. Grasping and pulling at his sleep-addled mind. His hand reaches for the table next to him only to be met with empty air. He's suddenly, painfully aware of where exactly he was.

Without his digital alarm clock to announce the time, having forgotten to bring it with him here, he's oblivious to the state of the world outside of the little guest room he finds himself in.

His back cracks as he straightens up, the floor beneath him warmer now than when he first laid down on it.

Having been too used to sleeping on stiff surfaces, the bed had been a foreign object to his body. One that would take time to adapt to. The sheer softness and warmth should've been inviting, comforting even. However, all he felt was a strange sense of unfamiliarity. A sort of wrongness.

Letting his senses stretch throughout the apartment, he realizes that it must be morning. For Aizawa is awake and having coffee in the kitchen.

This also meant that Izuku had to go through him to get to the front door.

He had his day-time job to get to, after all.

Self-doubt churns in his guts as he imagines how bothersome it would be for the man. To deal with a stranger in his own home. At least this way, Izuku will be able to pay for his own food. Aizawa shouldn't have to waste money on him on top of everything else.

Gathering his wits, mentally berating himself for his cowardice. (He was Shadow for Kami's sake, social interactions shouldn't scare him.) After getting ready for the day, he makes his way to the kitchen.


Soft sock-padded footsteps make their way to the kitchen, announcing his new ward's entrance.

He's surprised to find the boy up this early. He assumed most teenagers would cherish whatever sleep they could get. However, he's quickly reminded that the teen in front of him was anything but ordinary.

He remembers the pang he felt in his heart as he saw the kid, curled up on the floor with nothing but a blanket and pillow wrapped around him. Then and there he decided he'd make the kid comfortable in his new home.

Aizawa has so many questions about the boy. What happened to him during all these years? How did he survive living on his own, on the streets for so long? Was he okay? Did he remember Aizawa from all those years ago?

All these questions seem to go out the window as soon as the boy entered his field of vision. Midoriya is already dressed, cane in hand but not touching the ground as he caresses the wall with his other hand, every step of the way. He seemed to have already memorized the apartment's layout, which in itself is an impressive feat in Aizawa's book.

"Good morning." The kid says, voice soft, almost hesitant.

"Morning." Aizawa curses himself for sounding so cold. Nemuri was right, he needed to work on his social skills. He needed the kid to feel welcomed. "What do you want for breakfast, kid?"

"I- I'm good thanks, I was actually just going to head out, so..."

"Oh, where to?"

The kid hesitates at that. As if he's unsure whether he wants to answer the question or not. "W-Work."

His mind draws a blank as he hears the boy's words. He wasn't expecting that.

"Work? You have a job?" He can't help the concern and surprise that seep into his tone.

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