The storm

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Three days have passed since that night at the docks. Slowly, Izuku is starting to feel better. He's eating and sleeping more. His energy, slowly but surely increasing with time.

With his new job at the convenience store, restocking and shelving the aisles, he's finally getting the amount of money he needs to keep going.

For once, it feels like he's got all his cards in check.

Granted, He didn't get to tell Shinsou yet, about his new job.

The boy has been gone on his internship for two days.

He went with Eraserhead of all people. It made sense though... Aizawa was a very proficient underground hero. Besides, Shinsou's quirk works best in controlled circumstances. Underground hero work was the perfect field for him.

Deciding that dropping in on the pair would be fun, Izuku opts to go to Hosu tonight too.

Although, the main reason for his visit has nothing to do with that.

He's analyzed the Hero killer's attack pattern through some of the news articles he found. Depending on whether his findings are accurate, Stain's next victim should be in Hosu city. Either tonight or tomorrow.

He won't let that man hurt anyone else.


Shinsou's internship was going great so far. He spent the best part of the last two days training with Aizawa.

The man was a force to be reckoned with. His training was brutal but efficient. It left Shinsou feeling exhausted to the chore, but satisfied nonetheless.

Until finally, the man decided to let him tag along his patrol in Hosu city.

His teacher wanted him to experience some real street-level fighting. However, what they didn't expect was to find Nomus suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Not one, but three.

Aizawa immediately ordered him to stay on the sidelines. Help evacuate civilians and only fight if necessary.

So, Shinsou got to work. He directed panicked civilians towards safety shelters that were set up a couple of blocks away. Made sure to administer basic first-aid to those who were a little banged up. All the while, he kept an eye on his surroundings. Not wanting to be caught off guard.

Yet, despite his diligent following of Aizawa's orders. He couldn't help but stray a little when he heard shouting coming from a nearby alley.

He should have informed Aizawa. Should have told someone to go with him. However, at the time, all he could think of was the cry for help he'd heard.

His mind immediately flashed back to Izuku. The teen told him once, that he could never stand there while people needed help.

Shinsou wouldn't either.


Izuku didn't know what to think when he got Shinsou's text message.

Suppressing his growing sense of dread, he follows the directions.

What he didn't expect, however, was the boy's text to lead him right to the villain he's been looking for all night.

The location shinsou sent him pinpointed to a deserted alley in Hosu city.

Arriving there, he made sure to scan the area before making himself known.

His blood froze as he looked into the narrow clearing. The scene before him was too familiar for comfort. In fact, it was a perfect replica of that night. The night where he saved Ingenium.

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