Do you think i asked for this?

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Izuku knows when he's getting closer to his destination almost instinctively. The sheer amount of life packed into the place makes it shine almost like a beacon on his radar. The structure in itself buzzes with life, whether it was from the numerous electrical currents surging through its wall, or the countless people moving within its boundaries. The flickering heat signatures form a web, slithering and winding through the structure like a protective shield, blocking the rest of the world from its confines.

Albeit beautiful, it is also one of the main reasons why Izuku tends to avoid public places like this one. His brain can only take so much information before his senses are driven to their brink. The resulting sensory overload makes it hard for him to discern any of the information he receives. Rendering him, once again, absolutely blind.

However, over the years, Izuku has built enough control over his powers to avoid this particular outcome. So, the moment he walks into the mall's building, he turns his radar down, closing his view to a small space around his body and successfully blocking out the excess information. This, on the other hand, also means that he'll be oblivious to any suspicious activity going on around him. He supposes the whole point of this outing was to take a break from his nighttime job anyway.

His cane swipes at the floor in front of him, the low scrapping sound is almost a relief. His senses instinctively zone in on it, blocking out the roar of the bristling crowd around him. He feels for Shinsou's familiar presence next to him, a presence he's come to miss more than he'd care to admit in the last few weeks.

Their meeting had been bittersweet. Shinsou's hesitation throughout their interaction was blatantly obvious, the boy didn't know how to interact with him anymore, probably expecting to be shut out at any moment. Izuku has solely himself to blame for that. However, the teen's happiness at seeing him stung even more. The sheer amount of affection that swelled in Izuku's heart, felt like countless stabs piercing his heart.

He reminds himself that this was what he wanted. Space and distance. A chance for Shinsou to forget him before it was too late.

He lowers his head, eyes trained on the ground, trying to will his mind into believing his own desperate lies.

"Midoriya!" The call startles him despite his efforts to keep his senses open around him, his thoughts having drifted, Izuku had subconsciously blocked out the rest of the world. "Glad you made it man!" He recognizes the voices owner as Kirishima, the alleged red-head bounds excitedly his way, posture practically radiating energy. In step with the redhead, is a heat signature he recognizes almost instantly.

He feels Bakugou's eyes on him the moment he steps closer. Izuku, for his part, tries to meet the teen's gaze as best as he can. His unseeing eyes trail to the general vicinity of Bakugou's head, hoping he's catching the boy's gaze head-on.

"Hey Kirishima, are the rest of the class already here?" The question probably takes the teen off guard, if the way his steps falter is of any indication. He regains his composure soon enough though, his energy never wavering as he answers. Probably not used to having to point out obvious things.

"Yeah, man! Most of us, anyway, the only one's lefts were you guys! Keep walking straight and you'll reach the rest of the group!"

Kirishima then strikes up a conversation with Shinsou and like that, they fall into step with them, walking towards the gathered teens ahead of them.

He hears Bakugou's unsteady breathing next to him and moves to match his strides "Hey, Kacchan." The nickname slips from his mouth too easily, old habits tended to die hard. "Didn't take you for the class get-togethers type of guy."

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