Trouble will always find you

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Wind rushes at his face, the cold air hits his skin, sending thrills down his spine. The breeze whistling in his ears as he rushes down the streets of Musutafu's slums. The crime rate has gone up as of late. He's only been off the radar for a few weeks and the villains have already taken it as a green light for their less than savory activities.

Today was his first day back on the job. Recovered in both mind and body, Shadow was out and hitting the streets again. He needed to show the people that rumors of his death were greatly exaggerated.

Unfortunately, his patrol happened to coincide with Yuei's sports festival. He remembers the resigned acceptance in Shinsou's voice when he told him he couldn't go. More specifically he remembers the underlying disappointment in his friend's tone.

However, it's not as if he could actually watch the tournament after all. With all the people and noise, it would be like trying to decipher static on a lost radio station. Even hearing the show on television wouldn't make up for his lack of sight.

Therefore, Izuku found himself using the sports festival as a distraction. Most of the heroes would be attending so he'll have free reign over most of the streets. Still, this was also the case for the villains.

It was going to be a long night.


The first incidents he encounters were mostly petty crimes. An armed robbery that was quickly handled, followed by a petty car thief he'd caught red-handed. The man was trying to open the door to a parked sedan in the middle of the day with a crow-bar.

Criminals weren't always masterminds it seemed. Nonetheless, Shadow made sure to stop them and turn them in. Leaving a small note for his favorite detective to find. The man probably thought he was dead. Given his absence as of late. Although, maybe he hadn't even noticed. Who knew?

Running across the rooftops once more, he decided to change his usual patrol route. Less heroes meant the slums weren't the only place villains took over.

Not really knowing the name of the district he was patrolling, but recognizing the layout, he got to work.

One by one, he went over the alleys of the area. The darkness surrounding them provided a perfect cover for any criminal activity.

Naturally, when you go out looking for trouble. It has a funny way of finding you.


It went like this.

The sky was rapidly losing its light, the darkness of the night, swiftly taking over the streets. Not that it changed anything for Izuku. The benefit to his blindness was the way he thrived in the shadows.

It's fitting, really, the name the people chose to call him by. Ironic even.

He's currently passing a lone alley when he hears it. The sound of a scuffle reaches his ears. Two heartbeats. One is calm and collected. Sound steady and rhythmic against his ears. Yet, the other one is frantic. Beating fast and wild.

Izuku has come to learn one thing in his time in the field. It's usually the calm ones that are the most dangerous.

Slowly creeping into the passage, he perches himself soundlessly on a fire-escape nearby. Making sure to settle his eyes on the two figures in front of him. There aren't many sound waves being generated, but there are enough for him to make out the position of each individual.

He feels his own heart-rate picking up as he realizes what exactly he is dealing with.

There's a weirdly shaped man lying on the ground. Body still and motionless. If not for the frantic heartbeat, Izuku would've thought he was dead.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now