Unforeseen actions

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The bell at the storefront rings as a new customer enters the coffee shop. A wisp of cold air enters the room, disturbing the cozy atmosphere held inside.

Izuku instantly knows who is the person rapidly approaching the counter he was currently cleaning.

"I'm in!" The boy shouted excitedly. His voice holding a giddiness Izuku loved to hear in his friend's voice.

"Yes, Shinsou I kind of figured that out. You know... with my 'senses' and everything." He gestured vaguely to his face, emphasizing on the word 'senses'. "Besides, the bell blew your cover." The greenette snickered lowly.

"What?" Shinsou's step seemed to falter for a minute, before he straightened out, excited once more. "No! I- I don't mean here you idiot!" The exasperation in his tone was palpable. "I got in! I passed the exam!" In Izuku's mind, he liked to picture Shinsou as an over-enthusiastic puppy. At least every once in a while, when the teen wasn't acting like a tired house-cat.

"You got in..." Wait, as in- "Do you mean..."

"Yuei! I got into the hero course!"

"Oh shit! YOU GOT IN!"


They kept screaming their heads off until miss Eleanor threw them both out of the store. Yelling at Izuku to calm down if he wanted to keep his job.

They were both too happy to pay her any mind though.

Shinsou had passed the exam. He was going to go to Yuei.

He was going to be a hero.


As much as he wanted to celebrate with Shinsou, Izuku had work to do.

He couldn't help the happiness that overwhelmed him for the next few days though.

His best friend got what he always wanted. What Izuku himself had yearned for, for so long.

He was one step closer to his dream and Izuku couldn't be prouder.

This, however, meant that they didn't get to spend a lot of time together anymore. Shinsou had school in the mornings and Izuku couldn't hang out at night. His other 'occupations' taking up most of his time.

Shinsou was currently at school anyway. A field trip or something like that. Izuku didn't push for information. Shinsou only telling him that it was somewhere on campus.

At least one of them was getting the whole high school experience. It didn't matter though, he had a job to do, after all.

So, that's where Izuku was now. Following a lead he got from one of his underground informants. The league of villains were up to something. Word on the street was that they were planning an attack. Something big and soon. Where and how? That's what Shadow was currently trying to find out.

The last time a man of Shigaraki's description was spotted, was when he was entering a bar.

Therefore, Izuku opted to keep an eye on the area for the last couple of days.

When starting his little impromptu stakeout, Izuku expected, at most, to spot a couple of villains. Shigaraki and a couple of his lackeys.

However, what he didn't expect, was to see at least four dozen villains begin filling into the small building in groups.

Something big was definitely going down. And it was happening sooner than he thought.


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