On my own

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"Again, this time make sure to put your weight behind it. It won't be as effective otherwise." Izuku lectured as he helped his friend get back on his feet.

For the past few months, Izuku trained Shinsou. After all, UA's entrance exam was just around the corner. The purple-haired teen having dreamt of being a hero since a very young age.

However, just as Izuku previously pointed out, Shinsou couldn't solely rely on his quirk. Knowing that the exam was heavily dependent on physical quirks.

The UA entrance exam takes place in four days. Izuku trained Shinsou as best as he could in the short time they had.

Up until now, they'd made great progress. Shinsou's stamina and strengths improved greatly. His fighting style had developed too, since he could last more than two minutes while sparing with Izuku now. Shinsou still had a lot of improving to do, but Izuku was confident that he'd be able to pass the entrance exam at least. He still had a long way to go, but he was definitely on the right track.

They continued sparring for a few minutes and finally took a much-needed break.

Both of them dropping on the soft sand. Shinsou considerably sweatier than the greenette. The latter barely having broken a sweat yet.

After all, they had years of experience setting them apart.

"Izuku" Gaining the vigilante's attention, Shinsou continued. "Why don't you come to UA with me?"

The teen in question huffed in response. Dropping his back onto the ground. Milky green eyes looking straight into the sky. Despite the blackness in his vision.

"Shinsou..." Midoriya started slowly, knowing that his friend was serious about this. "People go to high school to prepare for their futures. I-I'm already doing hero work, there's no point in going to UA if I don't even have a future."

The answer hurt more than Shinsou thought it would. Even after all these months, Shinsou still has a hard time wrapping his mind around the situation. The all too real sadness that engulfed his heart with sorrow every time he was reminded of their time limit together. Every time he watched his friend. Every laugh, every joke, every move.

He'd try to enjoy the little things. The little moments they shared. It still wasn't enough though... It will never be enough.

The greenette wasn't finished talking. "Beside... I can't go to any school. Legally, I mean. I'm a runaway...If I wanted to get into a school I'd have to be in the system. They'd just make me stay with some foster family." Knowing that he ran away from the orphanage the first time, they wouldn't risk sending him back there.

"Would that be so bad?" Shinsou spoke up again, trying to convey his worry to his friend. He just wanted Izuku to connect with people again. Stop pushing everyone away. These past few months, they'd gotten closer. However, it still felt like there was this wall separating them. Izuku was still shutting him out. Subconsciously or not...

Izuku needed people to rely on. He can't keep doing all of this alone.

Silence met his question. He'd thought his friend had fallen asleep if not for the slow blinking of his unseeing eyes.

"It's unfair, isn't it?" Midoriya said after a few minutes. However, before Shinsou could ask about his statement, the vigilante continued. "I mean, it's unfair for them... I can't just barge into people's lives Shinsou. Join their family only to check out eventually. Only to hurt them afterward." The teen's voice was calm, as if stating facts. Pure, unarguable facts. "I'm going to die Shinsou. When I do, I'd like for it to be as painless as possible, for everyone."

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now