The old and the new

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It was a fine day in the city. The storm from the last few nights had washed the pavements clean of its dirt. A gentle freshness still lingered in the air, as if frozen in the very molecules of the atmosphere. The pavement was warm under the two boy's feet. The hum of the city's liveliness following them as they walked to the store.

"I'm telling you! He was so manly!" One of the boys shouted enthusiastically. His red hair practically bouncing with every step he took. "The robber had a gun pressed against his back and the dude just turned around, totally calm. As if it was a completely normal thing! He was like BAM!" The teen punched the air with his fist, his excitement palpable. "And before I could even think of reacting, the robber was already down!"

The blonde walking next to him wasn't as enthusiastic though. His hands were stuffed in his pants pockets as he trudged in front of the redhead. His shoulders hunched in and his face facing forward, features contorting into a scowl as he listened to the boy's rambling.

"And get this! He did all that AND he's blind! Can you just picture it! He's so cool!" His exclamation was once again barely met with a 'tsk' from his companion. Yet, the teen didn't seem perturbed in the least. Swiftly continuing his ramblings as if it was a normal occurrence. "He was like a ninja with his walking stick! The store clerk even offered to repay him! I think he works there now!"

"HAH! Is that why you dragged me all the way here Shitty hair?" The blonde practically screamed, small sparks erupting from his hands as he turned towards the redhead.

"Come on Bakugou! I want to meet this guy! He seems like a really manly dude!" The teen pleaded. A sharp-toothed smile aimed at the blonde. "Besides, when are you going to start calling me Kirishima." The teen whined in fake hurt.

"Whatever..." Bakugou grumbled under his breath, hands immediately going back in his pockets, eyes downcast as they reached the storefront. "Do whatever you want... I'm here for my spicy ram-"His words die in his throat as he finally looked up, sliding doors parting to let them into the small establishment.

His body froze in the threshold, causing the redhead behind him to walk right into his back. Not having realized that the blonde had stopped.

"Yo Bakubro? What's up?" Kirishima asked from behind him, his voice holding a worried tinge to it.

Holding a hand up, Bakugou intterupted whatever his friend was going to say next. Taking slow steps towards the front desk, he stopped in his tracks.

Red fiery eyes trained on the green-haired boy standing behind the counter. At that moment, it was as if he was taken back many years in the past. Memories of two small toddlers playing in the forest. Flashes of laughter and juvenile games. A boy he'd given up on ever seeing again.

"Deku?" He breathed out, not quite believing what he was witnessing.


It was a quiet morning at work for Izuku.

Mr Yoshida, the store's owner was busy. The man was currently arguing with someone in the back room over the phone. So, Izuku being his only employee, took over the cash register for him.

The store was strangely empty today, except for some far in between customers. It was a good thing though. Given that he doesn't know if he'll be able to distinguish the bills people give him. Although their heartbeats usually give away their anxiousness and fear of getting caught. Still, it was a risky matter. He can't really blame Yoshida for overlooking that particular fact. Given the usual stocking job he does here. It's easy to forget that he can't actually see.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang