For a rainy day.

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Izuku walked back from his afternoon shift at Mirakuru. He was honestly beat. The café was packed today and the amount of focus he had to put in just to do simple tasks was frankly exhausting. Luckily, Miss Eleanor seemed to pick up on his discomfort and gave him the rest of the day off. Sometimes he felt like the woman could see right through him.

He was passing under one of the road's bridges when all of his senses seemed to flare up. His instincts screaming at him to dodge, to move. To run.

He leaped out of the way just as a huge body of slime emerged from the manhole cover that leads to the sewers below.

The monster screamed as he lunged in his direction.

"A size M invisibility cloak! Just my luck." The slime villain cooed darkly as he approached the teen.

In one swift motion, Izuku disconnected his walking stick into his two escrima sticks. Swinging one of them in his hand menacingly, he looked straight at the sludge villain. Daring him to come any closer.

The monster seemed taken aback slightly by the teen's behavior but didn't seem to think much of it as he proceeded to lunge forward.

Izuku took in every detail he could get, the vibrations around them informed him about the villain's physical mutation. The man in front of him was made solely of sludge. Except there was one point of weakness. Taking in the information and acting on it, Shadow leaped at the monster, twisting in mid-air and landing right on top of him. His Escrima rod pierced something more solid than the sludge, yet, not quite. His mind providing that he had just pierced the man's eye.

The villain screeched in agony, his howls and pleads going on deaf ears. Izuku was about to deal the man with a finishing blow when another manhole cover blew up.

"DO NOT FEAR! I AM HERE!" The booming voice of the number one hero resounded through the dark walls of the tunnel. Vibrating the structure, they were standing on. Izuku couldn't help the flinch that overtook him. The man was just so loud.

He watched as the hero apprehended the villain with swift and fast moves. Quickly encasing the sludge villain in a couple of stray bottles he had found.

Once upon a time, Izuku would be a stuttering mess by now. His childhood idol was standing right in front of him after all. However, his fanboy attitude had mellowed out over the years. Nevertheless, this didn't mean his respect for the number one hero lessened. On the contrary, his respect and admiration for the hero had only increased as he got acquainted with the difficulties that came with saving lives.

Done with his villain takedown, All Might finally turn towards him.

"I saw what you did young man, and may I say that the way you handled yourself was exemplary. You managed to find the villain's weakness and you took advantage of it. All while making sure he didn't get to you." The hero praised, each word he uttered would vibrate the strings in Izuku's heart.

"Oh, no... I only did what I thought was right to survive..." he mumbled quietly, making sure that his Escrima rods were safely turned back to his red walking stick. He couldn't help but feel in a daze. Here he was, standing in front of the symbol of peace and he was actually getting praised.

"Well, may I ask you a question young..." The hero paused.

It took Izuku a second to realize what was the man asking for.

"Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya." He replied quickly, red already engulfing his face as he blushed in embarrassment.

"Well, Young Midoriya. Are you by any chance blind?" The hero asked. Nothing but curiosity in his tone.

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