Kirg - Age 18: Wren's Intended

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Kirg sat at the lunch table with a relieved sigh. Finally

He hadn't slept well last night and trying to stay awake in class all day had been torture. He threw his book bag off his shoulder and collapsed onto the table, asleep before his head hit his folded arms. 

A hand shook his shoulder seconds later, and he groaned, opening bleary eyes and jerking backward on the small seat, nearly falling into the floor.

"Ish--Oh, hey, Wren," he calmed, seeing his human friend. He'd immediately been drawn to her as soon as he started going to school. She looked exactly what he pictured Ishka would look like had she been born human. Though he had been attracted to her initially for that very reason, he had soon developed a brotherly affection for the sweet, naïve girl that had the ability to see a person for who they were, accept anyone exactly how they were, and love them unconditionally anyway. She said it was because of her faith in her God. He didn't know about that, but she did seem to have an inner light that called to broken souls, including his and Bram's.  

"Kirg, you've got to take better care of yourself," she admonished, frowning at him with a very Ishka-like expression on her face. Then, in a very Wren-like way, she sighed and sat her stuff down saying, "Oh, Mylanta, you won't believe what happened to me while I was out sick last week. I think I'm engaged." 

Bram had just sat down his tray, and both brothers immediately tensed and demanded, "WHAT?!"  

About that time a huge mountain of a man walked up behind Wren and bumped her with his hip, "So, these your friends?" 

He was tattooed, pierced, and dressed in a way that clearly pegged him as a metal head. 

Wren beamed and reached out her hand for his, "Yeah, this is Kirg and Bram. They're Vampires."

She whispered the last part, and Kirg's heart plummeted. Was the guy Weildon? Only Weildon were that big. 

"Hey," the man held out his very large hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Xunter, Wren's Intended." 

"You're Gifting?" Kirg questioned. 'Intended' was a Giftling term.

"Wren's Intended?" Bram repeated. 

Kirg glanced at his brother and noticed a scowl on his face; neither of them liked the idea of this extremely rugged, wild-looking guy trying to claim their innocent little friend. 

"Does he know about your promise to your God?" Kirg asked her. 

She blushed and looked down, but she nodded, "Yeah. He's actually made a similar vow." 

"Really?" Bram demanded, taking a step forward and getting into the man's space. "And he's good with that? He's not going to push you?" 

Even though they were twins, Bram had a couple inches on him now, and from all the training he did while Kirg preferred indoor activities, Bram was much more muscular as well. Still, the massive man in front of them loomed over him by at least three inches and probably a good thirty pounds. 

Xunter raised a brow, and his lips quirked. He looked very calm for someone with a large, aggressive Vampire literally at his throat. 

Xunter glanced at Wren, "'Just friends', huh? You sure about that?" 

Wren nodded, her brows scrunched, "Why are you guys being so weird? Xunter's a good guy. And yeah, Xunter, Kirg's in love with his step-sister, and Bram... well Bram's not exactly interested in girls." 

Xunter turned back to Bram and smiled, half-genuine, half-provocative, "That's good, 'cause Wren is mine." 

"Wren is her own person," Kirg said, surprising himself at how quickly he was also on his feet. 

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