Ishka - Age 15: Girlfriend

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His eyes darkened again, and she saw him begin to move his hand underneath the blanket, saw relief and pleasure etch his face as he took himself in-hand. Then he paused and quirked a brow at her.

Heart thudding so fast she knew the other Vampires could probably hear it, she tentatively pressed her hand against the slightly moist fabric of her soft pajama bottoms.

He started stroking himself again, and soon they were both watching each other.

"Ishka," he whispered raggedly, his voice half-begging. "Show me what makes you feel good."

Nerves gave way to the building pressure, and she became less and less unsure with each passing caress of herself, especially when she realized her enjoyment was making him crazy.

She thought about his hand on her breast and paused, worrying her lip.

"Do it," he begged. "Please, whatever it is, do it. I want to see you shatter, Ishka. Please. I need it."

Hesitantly she reached up to caress her own breast, and she felt the bed shake with his sudden thrust.

"Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, that's so hot, Ishka," he whispered, his hand rising faster and harder against his own flesh.

How could she not get turned on? How could she not speed up her fingers, her strokes to match his?

It was over for both of them seconds later, both of them tensing and shuddering, both of them fighting to hold back the savage noises that trying to burst from their throats.

In the aftermath, they lay gazing at each other, dazed.

"I should be utterly, completely ashamed," he whispered. "But I'm not. It's different if it's with you, somehow. Like your purity purifies me too."

She didn't know about that. She felt a little dirty, actually, but not in a bad way. She never imagined she'd actually do something that naughty. Or that Kirg would think she was hot.

"Please say something," he finally asked as she continued to watch him silently, lost in thought.

He looked worried.

"That was..." she smiled and looked away, blushing.

He grinned, "Oh, now you're blushing?"

But his voice held relief.

"It's not like I've done anything like that before," she shot back. "I didn't think you even liked me that way."

He laughed at that, and she scowled at him, "What?!"

"What do you think I've been fantasizing about for the past few years?" he finally asked.

Her face fell, and she looked away, "Oh, you were thinking about somebody else, like those girls on TV..."

"What?" he asked, utterly confused. "No. Ishka."

He reached out and grabbed her hand to pull her close, "Please look at me."

She shook her head, tears threading her lashes. It had been so beautiful, so perfect, so sexy. If he told her he was thinking about somebody else the whole time--

"Ishka, you've been the only girl in my fantasies for years now. I tried to resist, but... I've never been able to keep you out of my mind," he admitted.

Her heart leapt, "You mean, you like me too?"

He laughed, "I thought that was pretty obvious after what just happened."

Seeing her serious face he grew somber again. "I do really like you, Ishka. You're the only girl for me. You always have been. I just didn't want to hurt you, didn't want to defile you with the filth inside me...but you never saw me that way, did you? You never saw me as dirty or broken."

She shook her head, "Because you're not. You're strong, and you're good... and really cute."

He grinned at that and drew her to lay by his side, gently caressing her back.

"Does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" he asked eventually.

She startled, "What? Do you really mean that?"

He nodded, and she saw his eyes resting on her lips, "You have no idea."

She licked her lips, "But if everyone knows we're dating..."

His face shuttered, "They won't let us be alone together."

She nodded sadly.

He shrugged and said, "It doesn't mean we have to tell them. It could just be something we tell our friends."

"I don't know... that could get back to them really easy."

"Do you not want to be my girlfriend?"

"No, I do... it's just, complicated. You're like my brother..."

He chuckled, "I can tell you for a fact you've never felt like a sister to me."

She smiled at that and snuggled into his side, her tail slowly moving from side to side, utter contentment permeating her entire being.

She never wanted that day to end.

"So?" Kirg prompted. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"You won't give up, will you?" she giggled.

He shook his head, his eyes soft and full of tenderness, "Not when I know I can make you happy."

It had completely slipped her mind that he could feel her emotions when they touched, that he could feed on her joy.

For some reason, that made her even happier, and she could tell by the content look on his face that he tasted it.

"Yes," she finally whispered.

He stilled, eyes searching hers, "Yeah?"

"Yeah," she agreed, biting her lip.


"You're not going to want to... breed me...are you?" The question was whispered, but she had to ask, had to know for sure what she was getting into. 

His face went white, and he quickly shook his head, "No way. I'll never hurt, you Ishka. I want to be able to hold your hand, to kiss you. And I'd like to do what we did this morning some more, if you're okay with that. If I only masturbate when I'm with you, I don't think it'll be an issue anymore."

She nodded, calming and warming up to the idea of being in a relationship. Of being able to kiss him, hold him. 

She smiled as she drifted to sleep in her boyfriend's arms. 

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