Bram - Age 18: Kiss

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Fire shot through Bram's groin and outward as Asher's lips met his, and he felt himself harden instantly. 

It was everything he'd ever dreamed of and more, holding Asher while their lips met, tasted, and began to devour one another. 

Bram could tell Asher was more inexperienced, and briefly he regretted his own experimentation with the guys at school. It might have been nice for Asher to have been his first kiss. 

Still, he had learned a thing or two, and as he expertly swept his tongue into Asher's mouth and heard Asher's breath catch, Bram found he couldn't be too upset with his previously acquired knowledge--not when it was turning on his man. 

His man. 

Asher was his now. 

Bram groaned into Asher's mouth, opening for the curious tongue of the man he loved. Then he danced his tongue around Asher's and pulled back, licking his lip a second before he sucked it.

Asher gasped again, and Bram felt himself pulsing against Asher's thigh.  

Asher went rigid in his arms. 

Bram pulled back, asking breathily, "Something wrong?" 

Asher's eyes seemed more guarded than Bram would like, especially at this moment. "Ash?" 

Asher licked his lips again, and Bram felt his hard-on throb again. Asher apparently felt it too, and looked down uneasily. 

"It's not going to bite you," Bram teased, but he started trying to reign himself in. He hadn't meant to get so carried away, but it was the first time he'd been allowed to touch Asher. Still, he didn't need to screw up their very first make out session. Bram wanted many, many more kisses and touches in the future, wanted Asher to be able to relax and enjoy it every bit as much as he was. 

"I know, but, damn, Bram. It feels like you're huge." 

Normally Bram would take that as a compliment. Feeling the unease in Asher's body, however, Bram downplayed himself. "Nah, not really. It's just because it's been a while. And just because we're dating doesn't mean I expect you to ever be on the receiving end, you know." 

"Receiving end?" 

Wayden his man was innocent. 

"I won't put my dick in you without your permission. Ever," Bram said bluntly. "And if you don't want to, we will never go that far." 

Asher relaxed, and Bram had to fight the hurt he felt. Had Asher really thought he would force him? 

"I know, Bram," Asher surprised him by saying. "Just old wiring I guess. Old memories. Feeling a guy's hard cock--well, it's never been a good experience for me, and I was suddenly afraid that I might not be able to ever go all the way...especially with how big you are." 

Bram shrugged, "Then we won't. There's plenty of other ways to enjoy each other." 

"There are?" 

Bram grinned at how hopeful Asher sounded. "Oh yeah. You have no idea how many things I've thought about doing with you." 

 Asher tensed again, so Bram reassured, "But only when you're ready. It's nice to just be able to hold you, kiss you." 

As he said the word, Asher's eyes lowered to Bram's lips again, and he agreed, "Yeah, real nice." 

Bram pulled him in for another kiss, and Asher eagerly opened his mouth, which caused Bram to chuckle. 

"Like deep kisses, huh?" Bram wondered, happily obliging. 

Asher moaned into his mouth, and Bram couldn't help the shudder than ran through his body. He'd never been so close to cumming from a kiss. But then again, this wasn't just anybody--this was Asher. 

Bram made out with him for a few more glorious minutes before he reached the end of his restraint and pulled away, breathing shallow and fast. "We need to stop for now, Ash." 

He loved how disappointed Asher looked at the thought of stopping. 

Bram pulled Asher forward so that their foreheads rested against each other, sweat mingling, breaths merging. In a way that was indescribable, in that moment, as even their hearts thundered together as one, Bram felt like Asher was a part of him, as necessary for life as the blood flowing hotly through his veins.  

"I love you," Bram whispered, his eyes shut tightly against the emotions crashing through him. "So much it hurts." 

He opened his eyes to see Asher's wide with surprise. 

"You don't have to say anything back," Bram assured him, though his heart cracked a little at his boyfriend's silence. "I just wanted you to know." 

Asher nodded, eyes searching his, before he wrapped his arms around Bram's shoulders. "I love you too. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't. It's terrifying." 

Bram's arms went around his back, and he squeezed him closer, "I know. Thank you for taking a chance on us." 

They sat together like that, simply holding each other for several long minutes as their bodies calmed. Though with the continued proximity and contact, complete calm was never a possibility. 

It was well after dark before they walked home, holding hands until they entered the house and were forced to pretend once again. 

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