Kirg and Bram- Age 13: Friends

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Kirg and Bram walked into school with wary expressions, holding hands as they often had in the past when they were scared. 

It didn't take them long to notice the weird looks being thrown their way, and they both silently agreed to drop hands. Apparently guys didn't do that here. 

Not for the first time, Bram wished they could have gone to Asher's school; at least they would have known one person. 

They were just coming out of the office, having been given their schedules and locker assignments, when Kirg startled beside him. 


Bram turned to see a girl that could have been Ishka's twin, just without tail, fangs, claws; and her eyes were a warm brown instead of a mystical purple. 

Bram sniffed and shook his head, "No, she's completely human." 

"Why does she look so much like Ishka?" 

"I don't know." 

"Let's go talk to her." 

"I don't want--Kirg!" 

Kirg felt pulled toward the girl, as if she was a beacon of light in the midst of a storm. 

He stopped a couple feet from her and said, loudly, "Hi! I'm Kirg! This is Bram!" 

She jumped, dropping a paper book; the cover was a couple kissing. 

Her hand flew to her heart, and she laughed slightly before saying, "Oh, Pepto-Bismol! you about gave me a heart attack! It's nice to meet you, though. I'm Wren." 

Bram looked her over quizzically, "You don't sound like the rest of these kids." 

She quirked a brow, "Neither do you. But I guess my accent comes from my mom. She grew up in Georgia, and even though I grew up here, because of her I have some weird mix of Appalachian and Deep South coming out of my mouth." 

Another girl popped up behind her, eyeing them hesitantly, "Wren, are these guys bothering you? Do I need to get Tom?" 

Wren blushed, "Tom? Why?" 

"Wren, they're Vampires," the other girl whispered loudly. 

Wren's eyes lit up, "Really?! You are?! Can I see your fangs?" 

The other girl pulled her away, "Do you have no sense of self-preservation? You'd go right up to a lion and put your head in its mouth, wouldn't you?!" 

"It might be a nice kitty," she agreed with a grin. "I don't think they're bad guys, Jess." 

Jess rolled her eyes, "And you're basing this on the two seconds you've known them?" 

Wren got quiet and shook her head, "No...not exactly. They just... I feel like they're good people, Jess. It's the same feeling I got when I met you." 

"My parents don't want me hanging out with Vampires, Wren."

"Your parents didn't want you hanging out with a human either, but now they love me. You can blame the Vampires on me if your parents find out."

Jess glared at them and pointed, "If you try anything weird, my big brother will rip you apart. He's a Mountain Lion Weildon, and he already has a Demi-form." 

"You're human?" Kirg asked Wren, completely ignoring Jess. 

Wren nodded, "But my mom is dating a Weildon." 

Bram and Kirg looked at each other then back to Wren, but neither of them said anything. 

Wren smiled, "So, you're new, huh? Where'd you go to school before this?" 

"Homeschooled," Bram said quickly, giving Kirg a look. It was the cover story Sorcha had decided for them, and it wasn't exactly a lie. Sha'Lia had given them a crash course in reading, writing, and basic math and would continue to tutor them for the next few years. 

"I was too until recently," Wren said excitedly. "Jess was the first person to talk to me, and she became my best friend. Maybe  we'll be best friends too." 

Kirg grinned at that, and Bram shrugged, trying to appear as though he didn't care. 

"So," Jess said, eying them. "You're twins?" 

They both nodded. 

She looked them up and down, "And apparently not going for the whole 'just alike' thing, considering one of you looks like a ken doll and the other looks like a gothic redneck." 

They weren't sure exactly what either of those things were, but they noticed a lot of other guys were wearing similar clothes. 

"So what?" Bram asked. "We like what we like. We're different people. Why should we have to like the same stuff?" 

"I think it's cool that you're different," Wren said, smiling. "Are you guys seventh graders too?" 

They shook their heads, "Eighth." 

"Oh!" Jess said, "You'll be in class with my brother then." 

Wren's face fell, "I guess we won't get to hang out with you then..." 

"There's always hallway and lunch," Jess pointed out. 

Wren's eyes lit back up, "Yeah! Want to sit together at lunch?"

Jess added, "We can fill you in on all the gossip." 

"Gossip?" Kirg wondered. 

Wren shook her head, "I don't gossip." 

Jess grinned, "Yes you do." 

"No, I don't! Gossip is hurtful and against my religion." 

"But you like knowing what's going on with everybody," Jess cut back. 

"That's just... being informed. I might need to know that stuff to help somebody someday." 

"Love my sweet little church mouse," Jess said, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead with an overacted, "Muah." 

Wren giggled and swatted at her friend, but her eyes turned to the twins, and a smile of pure light spread across her face. "I hope we can be friends." 

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