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Bram could feel the tension mounting in his body as Asher's lips quirked, his eyes flashing in challenge.


Bram grinned as he picked up the large pile of cards.

"You're not supposed to lose on purpose!" Kirg admonished.

Asher snorted, "There aren't even five kings in a deck."

Bram shrugged, "Didn't think you'd count."

That was a lie. Bram had banked on it.

Soon. Very soon. Asher was almost out of cards, and Bram's balls tingled as he wondered what Asher would want him to do for him.

Asher gave him a look, and Bram could tell Asher was having trouble reading his emotions. Good. He was working doubly hard to keep himself restrained. He might not have a poker face, but he could make his emotional bubble impenetrable.

"BS," Kirg called on Ishka hesitantly.

She frowned, heaved a heavy sigh, and picked up the Ace and two she'd laid down.

"BS!" She called as soon as Kirg set his cards down. His ears turned pink, and he swiftly recovered his one card.

It was Bram's turn again, and Asher watched him intently. Bram actually did have a three. How big of a risk was he willing to take? There wasn't a large pile of cards this time.

"Two threes," Bram drawled, glancing away from Asher.

"Buuuuull shit," Asher called.

Kirg nodded, "If you didn't call it, I was going to. I have three of them."

Bram took his cards and did his best to keep his face impassive, his emotions held close to his skin. It was difficult when he was rock hard, difficult when every glance Asher sent his way sent another pang through his dick.

How much longer could this game go on? And what would Asher demand him to do when he lost?

A kiss? A caress? A suck...?

"Bram!" Kirg admonished.


"It's your turn," Asher's lips quirked.

"Right, uh....three... three... jaqueeings."

"That's not even a card!" Ishka laughed. "And you're supposed to be playing Jacks. BS."

He was getting so absentminded that even Ishka was calling him out. He wanted to lose, but it was starting to hurt his pride a bit.

He took the pile of cards, grimacing when he saw Ishka held almost an equal number. He wanted to be the loser!

"And that," Kirg said, laying down his final card, "is two Aces. I'm out."

"Bullshit," Bram said automatically.

Kirg quirked a brow, "Take 'em."

Bram did so gladly. "Are we done now?"

Kirg shook his head, "Nope. One more person has to win first--either you or Asher, hopefully, or this isn't going to work out right."

So, Bram didn't just need to lose. He needed to make sure Asher won.

"Bullshit!" he called before Ishka finished speaking.

Her cheeks pinked, but she picked up her cards and the few underneath.

"Eight," Bram said, laying down ten cards.

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