Asher - Age 18: Talk

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Asher's heart pounded as they walked into the forest. He didn't even wonder if Bram could hear it. Of course Bram could hear it--just like Asher could feel Bram's unbridled curiosity and tightly leashed desire. 

He led them out to the place they'd collapsed together the day Asher had had his revelation, the place where he'd told Bram his hair looked like the evening sky. The place where he felt Bram's curiosity pique regarding his words, felt the first hint of mutual attraction. 

Seeing the skinned tree from their spar that day, Asher stopped. 

Bram looked around, and Asher felt the moment he remembered, but there was confusion in his voice too. 

"Why here, Ash?" Bram murmured. 

"L-let's spar first," Asher suggested, already pulling off his over-shirt. 

Bram quirked a brow as he kicked off his cowboy boots, stripped off his thick socks, and unbuttoned his flannel shirt; unlike Asher, Bram didn't wear anything underneath. 

Bram smiled as he saw Asher's eyes slowly trace their way up his body. Licking his lips, he murmured, "You don't have to spar with me to touch me, Ash."  

Asher felt his body warm even as he tried to pull his wayward thoughts back from the paths they so often took lately. He had more important things to think about--like not getting his ass completely handed to him before he confessed what he needed to confess. 

"I need to spar, Bram. We have to talk, but first..." 

Bram's face shuttered immediately, and Asher felt his emotions pull inward. "Talk?" 

Heart pounding so hard he wondered if he'd pass out, Asher took a couple steps forward and stopped. He ached to reach out and touch his best friend's chest, to caress his face, and maybe even to taste his lips. 

Instead, he settled on taking his hand, "Yeah. Talk. But...I need to get some nervous energy out first." 

Bram's eyes widened, and from the physical contact Asher could sense the sudden surge of hope, the quickly stamped down joy, and the desire that was growing in strength. 

Asher quickly let Bram's hand fall and stepped back, removing his own shoes so that his movements wouldn't be hampered. 

"Alright," Bram said, a small smile on his face. "Whatever you need, Ash." 

Wayden, he loved it when Bram called him Ash. It was so simple, such a common name, and not a far stretch from his full name. However, since Bram was the only one that called him that, it felt like more than a nickname. It felt intimate. 

When Asher turned back around, Bram was already in a fighting stance, lightly shifting his weight on the balls of his feet. 

The sunlight chose that moment to stream out from behind a cloud, and Bram was bathed in the golden light. His skin glowed, and Asher's breath caught at the beauty of it. 

Bram paused, tilting his head, "Something wrong?" 

Asher dropped into stance, "Nope. I learned something new from Fallon today. Let's see how you like it." 

Bram's mouth twitched slightly, and Asher wasn't sure why until he made contact. 


Bram was jealous of Asher sparring with Fallon? Or was it because Fallon was the only person Asher talked about from school? 

A little thrill went through Asher's heart, but he didn't have time to think about it as Bram's large fist shot through the air. 


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