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Kyle had gotten so used to hospitals and the maternity ward. And yet, it never failed to twist his stomach with both nerves and excitement. New life was always amazing, and Jerry and Sarah deserved this, especially after everything they'd been through to get there.

Even if she hadn't believed she could have kids after a complicated miscarriage, magic was possible. And it made Jerry happier than Kyle had ever seen him. Which was saying something since Jerry had been fairly happy ever since Sarah entered his life. They complemented each other so well, Sarah bringing out the protective side in Jerry, him returning hope and meaning where she thought there was none.

And now, just two years after their wedding, they were parents. Kyle knew how much Jerry had wanted this, even if he'd accepted the possibility of never being a father when he'd married Sarah. If anyone deserved the miracle, it was them.

Kay was already there, so Kyle hurried to Sarah's room to meet her. They couldn't linger very long since they'd left a huge number of kids with Jimmy. Even if they were all well-versed in looking after crowds, they tried to keep the pressure off as much as possible.

Flowers filled the immaculate hallways, the number of bouquets outside Sarah's door making it look as if he'd stepped inside a flower shop. Perks of a huge family, he guessed. And every time he thought about it, he found it hard to believe.

He'd grown up alone, cared for by his uncle and his grandmother, barely seeing his mother, never seeing his brothers until he was actually forced to come home. And now, he was surrounded by brothers, sisters-in-laws and nieces and nephews. It became confusing from time to time. Exciting, heartwarming, but confusing.

As he entered Sarah's room, all the confusion ebbed away, leaving room to pure joy. Sarah was alone, looking a bit flushed and uncomfortable, her reddish hair caught in a loose braid. The moment she saw him, her entire face lit up.

"You made it," she said, her voice shaking with emotion. "Did you see him?" She waved at him to come next to the bed.

"No, I came straight here. Saw a photo though. He's cute."

Sarah huffed. "He looks like a creepy, tiny old man. But when I hold him. Oh my God, I never imagined anything could be so soft and smell so sweet."

Kyle knew the feeling. His twins had been tiny compared to Michael and it had taken them a while to switch from looking like tiny, cranky, old people to looking like actual babies. But the softness of them, the way they latched on to him and Kay... The moment Jenny squeezed his finger in her tiny hand. it was the end of him. He never could've imagined he'd end up loving anyone more than he loved Kay, but Jenny and Alex proved him wrong.

It was something he couldn't even put into words, and it made him love Kay even more as well. Because they were a family of their own now, and indestructible unit.

Which was how Sarah and Jerry must have been feeling right then, their little family complete.

The moment Kyle reached the bed, Sarah took his hand and squeezed. "I really hoped I'd get to talk to you alone for a moment. Thank you."

Kyle stared. "Um, for what?"

"Getting stuck inside that elevator with you was the best thing that ever happened to me. And you sending Jerry out with coffee... You changed my life so much!"

"That was you guys. I just... sort of nudged." But his chest warmed with affection for her anyway. After all, he agreed. Sarah was the best thing that could've happened to Jerry.

"Sometimes all we need is a nudge."

Yeah, he agreed. Nudges were very important, so he grinned back at her. "You helped me a lot, too. So in my selfish way, I wanted you in the family."

Curtain Call (The Jewel Project #7)Where stories live. Discover now