36. Strength in Numbers

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The stabilizer did the trick, though Kyle did his damn best to pretend it hadn't. Even if his cut had closed and the skin was healing with dizzying speed, he lay flat in his cell, moving heavily and groaning from time to time.

As expected, the goons gave him a wide berth, still debating whether whatever he had could be contagious. Just to mess with them, he broke into a few coughing fits that sent them running towards the door. After all, he was with one foot in the grave. What was the point to keep guarding him?

The only problem was that he could no longer sleep during the day, so just lying there was boring as fuck. While alone, he paced, then did some push-ups, then shook the gate to see how sturdy it was. Then, he lay down some more.

A few grumbling guards made their entrance at what seemed to be midday. Kyle closed his eyes and kept still, his hands folded under his head.

"Does he look sick?"

"He looks relaxed."

Right. He shut his eyes tightly and winced. Then flinched and let out a groan.

"Yeah, he's still dying."

"I heard the boss poisoned him."

Kyle did his best not to huff with laughter.

"I don't think he even got to see him."

"What are you talking about? They came out of the jungle together."

"Wait, which boss are you talking 'bout?"

"Which're you?"

Kyle tensed, the frown on his face real this time. He even chanced opening one eye a fraction. The two morons were facing his cage, but staring at each other, their eyes wide as saucers, fear obvious on both their faces. Then, the one on the right aimed his rifle at his companion.

"Who's your boss?"

The other guy raised his eyes and shook his head. "Von Crooken, man. Just... It's hard to shake the habit, ya know?"

He was lying, but Kyle couldn't tell what he was lying about which was troublesome.

The other guy eyed him wearily, but lowered his weapon a fraction. Still threatening, but a bit less so. "Nothing personal, but since he's been back, it all went to shit. Who would've thought he wouldn't stay dead?"

"Yeah," Terrible Liar agreed, terribly lying again. "He had to come back and make things all complicated for the boss."

"The thing is," Von Crooken's goon said, "there are still some people on his side. And they're slimy bastards, liars and pussies. Though..." His eyes darted towards Kyle for a few moments. "He really did get him good."

"I heard he also got the jewel," the other man whispered. "Showed it to the boss and everything. I mean... He's still a bit scary."

It was so weird, listening to these two drones discussing the conflict between their bosses. What Kyle hated was that he couldn't tell if the lying one was just an idiot or on their side. The thought made him wince. Since when did he consider himself on the same side as Snitch Gravel? But the truth was, he did. Snitch Gravel deserved a lot of bad things for what he'd done, but not from someone like Von Crooken who was worse.

"I know, right?" The traitor goon finally lowered his weapon and relaxed, buying the lies. "It's like he can read minds, like he knows everything and is just letting it happen so that he can figure out who's involved and punish us all."

The other man shuddered. "Fuck, hope not. I don't want to be on the receiving end of Rud's punches."

They started gossiping about other goons afterwards, trying to identify those who would still be on Snitch Gravel's side. To Kyle's dismay, there weren't many. Apparently Von Crooken gave them what they expected and wanted. Contraband, money and drugs. They knew what they were getting with him, unlike Snitch Gravel who had always been a mystery.

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