Series Author Note

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Holy hell, this has been one long ride. And yet, I feel like it should've gone on forever.

Ignoring my desires to fangirl about my own stuff... I have a few words to address to you.

First of all THANK YOU! This was something massive to commit to and I hope you enjoyed the ride.

I've been planning this series for over twenty years and I'm a but shocked that after so long, I actually managed to finish it. At some point, it felt like something I would get stuck on forever. Unfortunately, it has to come to an end. And I can't believe it did.

We've come a long way from Donnie throwing himself off a set of stairs and Kyle saving him, Tom and Jimmy having nowhere to go and Sam buying into the whole study camp idea.

They met, grew up together, found love and turned on the people who used them to fulfill their devious plans.

We get family history, you get to find out who Snitch Gravel really was and why he was so obsessed with the Grant family. We see people dying, having their hearts broken, getting better.

We see love, hope, forgiveness and family.

And, in the end, teamwork conquers all. And Jerry is still an innocent little bean.

Yep, it's been ten long years.

Of course, there is much room for improvement, but completing the story gives me a good starting point for major changes and minor hints to be put in the new versions of the books.

Now, I'm going to repeat the mandatory questions, but for the series as a whole, so this might take a little more thought from you. Here we go.

1. Favorite character

2. Favorite couple

3. Favorite book in the series (I'm also curious why)

4. Who do you feel had the best character development?

5. Who do you think should've had more?

6. Were you satisfied with the conclusion of the series?

7. What are your thoughts on the antagonist- protagonist dynamics of who the real good guys or bad guys were?

8. Did you find it exciting enough or did it get repetitive and predictable at some point?

9. And, finally, did you have fun with it?

What's next?

Now this is a very hard question. So far, the answer has always been start on the next book. There is now no next book.

I do, however have one more prequel to write. It's the story of the original three, Davyn, Millie and Freider. I'm still struggling to settle on a title and maybe I will start writing it sooner rather than later.

Of course, I also want to start editing TY because after writing the last few books, I totally hate it. The series deserves a better beginning.

I'm also thinking of redoing Wrong Impression.

But apart from that... Damn, I have to start writing Veils of Storm seriously, lol.

So yeah... The universe will not be abandoned and I hope a part of you will join me for the prequel and the new version of Too Young.

Apart from that... You have all been amazing and I really appreciate all your support.


Stef ✨️

Stef ✨️

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