5. Too Young Again

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Sam was once again faced with the dilemma of whether he hated the jungle or the desert more. But as he trekked through a solid downpour of annoying drizzle, he had to be honest with himself. He didn't hate this at all. He'd missed it.

Yes, he was wet to the bone and could hardly see three feet in front of him, but his hands found the support of tree trunks with ease, and his feet knew too well where to find solid ground, how to avoid traitorous plants and rocks. He hadn't slipped or fallen once since they'd started their journey, and the pride kept him warm against the rain.

After so many years, they could still do this. And not only that, but do it much better, balance, subtlety, and survival method included.

It had taken them two days to get from Peru to Brazil, and only because they needed to disappear off the radar to do it. Once they'd entered the jungle, everything they owned that could be tracked conveniently jammed and, with a little help from one of Ron's long lost contacts, they'd taken a helicopter across the border and parachuted themselves into Brazil. A mild panic attack caused by his fear of heights later, they'd found solid ground.

What followed was getting down and dirty again, in mud, bugs and an undergrowth which seemed to want to kill them even more than the animals. But none of that mattered, because they now had the equipment they knew they would need, and the chances of getting lost were minimal. After all, Sam had a proper map and pictures of the place. A lot more than he had half the time.

Before night fell, they stopped to clear a portion of jungle and set up camp. As Jerry took care of the food, Jimmy and Kyle put up the tents, and Sam laid out the map on a mostly dry stretch of dead leaves, a pang hit him hard in the pit of his stomach. It took him a few moments to identify the feeling as nostalgia. He felt seventeen again, trying to figure out how to outsmart Snitch Gravel, his entire body still shaking because he'd just witnessed a person dying.

He swallowed heavily and pushed the thought back, focusing on their current location. The pile of bodies he sat on was much bigger now, Carlos merely the first of many, and he tried not to think about it, not to let it bring him down. After all, it had been years since Herrison died, years since anyone else he knew was killed. The thought was not comforting, especially since he had the feeling it was far from over. As much as he hated it, everyone he ever knew was a potential target.

"You okay?" Christine asked, squeezing his knee.

He raised his eyes to her. There was grime on her face and her hair was half-wet from the humidity, and yet she'd never looked more beautiful. This was also familiar, having her near him, her smile and her warmth. What was different was that they were no longer under the spell of a teenage crush. He really loved her this time.

"Yeah. Just getting a little nostalgic over doing this again."

Christine smiled. "I was such an idiot back then. Even if I wasn't aware of half the dangers, it seemed so much harder than it is now."

"I'll say. You have five years of training under your belt ," Tom said, dropping some dry wood next to the fire. "It should be easier."

"I think it's much easier for all of us," Angie added, taking a seat in front of the fire.

"Could be the lack of high school level drama," Jimmy said with a grin.

"Or the lack of camp syndrome," Jessie pointed out, nestling herself in his arms. "But I get what Sam is saying. It does feel like we're back there, doesn't it? I mean, at some point, I was convinced the setting looked familiar and that I've been here before."

Kay huffed. "Yes, jungle tends to look alike." She turned to Sam. "How long do you think it will take us to reach this shrine thing?"

Sam tilted his head, having a vague feeling that Kay was in a bit of a hurry. He couldn't blame her. They should all be. But ever since they'd left home, a silent agreement passed between them not to talk about what they'd left behind. Not mentioning the kids really did put them in the adventurer mindset they needed right then. Maybe Kay couldn't disconnect as well or was more worried since her kids were with Sarah who was handling a newborn.

Curtain Call (The Jewel Project #7)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora