37. So Much More

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Darkness had fallen hours ago, but Kay couldn't stop. They should've reached the shrine by now, caught up with the others. Instead, they were still on their own and she wasn't even sure where exactly they were.

"Kay, it's late," Eric said from the passenger seat. "Don't you think we should stop for the night?"

She ignored him because she knew he was right. And yet, she wanted to keep going just a little bit longer. Maybe after the next turn they'd see something that would help her pinpoint their location. If she weren't pregnant, she'd climb up a tree to try and spot a fire.


She groaned. "I know, Eric. I know. It's just... I don't understand why we're not there yet."

He hesitated for a moment. "Are we lost?"

In some ways. But in other ways, not really. "Not in the way you might thing. This road has to lead somewhere."

"But not where we're trying to go."

Definitely not where they were trying to go. With a sigh, she slowed the car down to a stop and rested her forehead on the wheel. This was so dumb. She'd been such an idiot. It seemed simple, fail proof. But the truth was, she couldn't search a jungle alone. And Eric didn't count because he was someone she had to lead, to look after.

He fortunately kept quiet while she held her pity party and come to terms with the fact that she'd fucked up. When she'd decided to follow the sketchy road rather than the map she'd lost direction, and she couldn't appreciate just how far off course they'd ended up. Of course, she still had the emergency alternative. Ask Angie for tracking permission and get to the others that way.

Oh, the drama and the yelling that would follow, but it wasn't like they could send her home now. Tomorrow. If we don't find anything by tomorrow, I'll do it.

"What do you want to do?" Eric whispered.

"I think we should go to bed," she said. "Sleep and decide what to do tomorrow. The thing is, we're not lost. I have ways to find the others."

He relaxed visibly and gave her a smile. "Then what are you so worried about?"

She gritted her teeth. He couldn't understand her need to manage this on her own. Plus, outright joining the others eliminated the possibility of looking for Kyle. Though, after coming into the jungle, the task seemed more impossible than ever. And it broke her. Tears escaped down her face, but she wiped them away. She didn't want to cry in front of Eric.

"Let's get to it, then." She shut off the engine and opened the door. 

Darkness and the sounds of nature engulfed her and she allowed herself a sob before moving towards the trunk to get some food and her sleeping bag. 

An arm wrapped around her waist.

Her muscles instantly tensed and she leaned back, to put as much distance between her and her attacker. In that second, she could hear the rustling of vegetation, hear the passenger door open.

"Eric, no, stay inside!"

It was too late. More men made their way out of the vegetation and went for Eric. Kay propped her feet against the car and pushed back, bringing her assailant down. With a well placed elbow to the liver, she ensured her release.

"Where do you think you're going?"

More hands grabbed her from the darkness and she struggled to break loose as well as protect her belly from any harm. Her back hit the hood of the car as the threw her down, foreign hands roaming over her, touching her everywhere. Bile rose to her mouth.

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