The Plan

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"Nurse, how many days until her arm's wound is safe enough to travel,?" he whispered.

Loren looked at me hesitantly.

"Tell him Loren," sending someone like him was something only my auty would be capable of coming up with."

"Four,five days."Loren estimatied.

"In four days be ready to say your goodbyes Desiree, we are going to the bush."

"What about all my stuff?"

"Already on it's way."

"And what is already on it's way?" Bolt interjected.

"Her new surfboard."

"The receptionist asked me to tell Desiree that her new surfboard was on its way." Devon said convincingly enough.

"Well where are you planning on surfing Desiree." 

"I'm not planning on surfing it, im donating it to my friend next door, please don't tell anyone it is top secret."

"Oh the little girl next door?"

"I hope the board gets here soon because I hear she is getting admitted either tomorrow or the next day."

"My sponsers are always on time beliecve me."

"Very well. I am leaving now watch her like a hawk alright?" he told Lorenzo.

"Yes Sir."

"Nurse what is that a awful smoky smell, oh don't worry its going away?"I asked.

Bolt knew I said it to annoy him and he turned back and gave me a piercing glare before he left.

"Guess what you have to do now Lorenzo? Actually Lorenzo how did you know I surf?" 

"I bet he follows you on instagram." Stella interjected.  "Who wouldn't your amazing." she added.

"I know nothing you guys are talking about, as I told you I was sent by your a." he said before I stopped him.

"That's enough." I stopped him. 

Stella turned on the tv. 

"Lorenzo looks like you have your afternoon filled up." I said.

"What do you mean?"

"You got to go to my house, open the work room at the back and grab the surfboard on the left railing at the top, it's only a little board, then you have to go to the giftwear shop and find the biggest bow, yellow prefreably, we will leave it on my bed for Stella once we go to the bush. Just imagine Bolt's face."

He rolled his eyes and left off a sigh, the kind that says what have I gotten myself into?  He put his hands in his pockets fiddling for his keyes. 

"Ok catch you later," he said.

"You might want to take this." I said as I handed him the garage key that leads to the work room out the back.

"O and you might not want to get your fingerprints anywhere."

His eyes got bigger and bigger with my many instructions.

"O bring Stella and me some ZOO cookies please?"

"If I don't come back, don't worry I am just completing the bottomlist you have requested."

"Take all the time you need, I will be right here."

He burst out the room and I could see a white bakkie pull out from the parking area.

"Surfin again!" Stella said excitedly as she turned up the volume.

I turned my t.v on and watched with her the ways were ginormus.

Stella's Doctor came in, "Stella, I have good news for you, your sting is good enough for you to be emitted from hospital tomorrow."

Oh no! I thought in my mind as I touched my arm which was covered in thick bandages.

"What does emitted mean?" she asked curiously.

"It means you can go home tomorrow."

"Yipee, you mean I can go see my dog at home and surf again? she asked very excitedly.

"You may see your dog, but as for surfing, not just yet, we want to keep that area dry for another week.Can you do that for us?"

"Yes Doctor." she smiled.

Lorenzo did take his time and when he stepped in I felt relief.

"All done, here are your Zoo cookies."

"Thanks," I said as I offered him one.

"What don't tell me you have never had them?"

His cookie had a pink flamingo on.

"Great colour!" I teased.

"Loren please help yourself and offer some to Stella if you don't mind?"

"Thanks." Loren said.

"Yummy!" Stealla said.

"Have you heard, we are leaving tomorrow?"

"But your wound?"

"This is between you and me, don't tell Loren or Stella or anyone ok?" 

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