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"Together...we can change the world!"


"JSSS3A get your tiny butts out to the field right now!" The head girl, Mary Belle screamed at them and they scampered out of the classroom without second thoughts as I passed their classroom to the next.

It was the last Friday before exam week. The bell for sports rang and all prefects were assigned to make sure every student was present on the field.

Bolu decided to tag along with me even though she'd be among those taking part in the main events of the day−whatever they were.

"Geez mehn, Mary Belle sure has a loud voice," Bolu commented from beside me.

"Tell me about it. They made no mistake in assigning her that post."

I waved at Mary Belle with a smile and she did the same.

We got to the next class and I chased them out saying: "Okay people, get out, now!"

Some obeyed walked out fast while some were slow and I scowled.

"Faster!" I ordered and they increased their speed.

The last people to leave the class were three short girls and they were still taking their time when I said they should be fast.

They stood arranged around a particular desk and chit chatted like no one was in the class, asking them to leave. I stared at them in awe and shook my head.

See all these small children o!

Ah! Osanobua.

Children of these days have grown balls.

What insolence.

"You guys got gum stuck in your ears abi? I said you should be fast na!"
The trio turned to look at me at the same time, eyed me...literally and then continued what they were discussing.

Again...what insolence!

"Oh, it's those idiots. Leave them to me," Bolu, who was behind me the whole time, whispered in my ears and I stood back as she entered the class fully, wondering what she was gonna do.

"Essss Sule, Mufu, Kasali!" Bolu yelled at them and I laughed at the choice of names she decided to call them.

They looked up at the voice that spoke, a glint of fear/recognition passed their eyes, and she continued. "I'm sorry, not sorry to ruin your dumbass party but you have to excavate out of your one-tabled kingdom."

"Y-y-yes se-senior B-Bolu," they all stuttered and ran, literally, out of the classroom, making sure to avoid touching Bolu and I at all.

I stood and my mouth slightly dropped, both in shock and in awe. "The way they ran, it's like they've had an episode with you that they wouldn't like to re-live."

"Yeah...it's a long story." She smirked.

"Gist me na," I said, tucking my arm into hers as we walked to the next JSSS3 class.

It was empty and I assumed other prefects had done the work so Bolu and I headed straight for the field as she told me the whole story, which I found really funny.

Those girls deserved it.

We finally got to the field and found Ninu, Joy-Anne and Fred. They gathered in a small circle and we joined them.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz