267 104 78

The pressure is getting werser,
but we're all in this together.

- Ifebode. 😂


Hey, guys. I'm back with a new update.🌚😗 It's early and I'm happy. Okay, so, this chapter is dedicated to Toluwanimi_01 Ruby babyyy!😂😂😂 And um, Dedun_Herself because she's awesome.🌚❤️

All right, let's dive right in.



By the time we returned to the main bowl, the invited schools were just finished with their relay races. Turns out Alex was actually a part of Towns High relay team. Heaven knows why he had decided to leave them and chase me. Anyway, that one is gone. I looked straight ahead and saw Joba talking with some of his schoolmates. He stood tall among most of them; why it was very easy to spot him. 

Meanwhile, every one of us walked back quietly to our houses without saying a word, because we were still in shock about the whole incident earlier. I watched Nina go back to her tent with Ayo by her side. I also looked behind me to see if by chance Ore had left Chidera alone to cry by herself. No, I wasn’t a bad person, but part of me knew that she deserved what Ashley just did. And she needed to sort her stuff out on her own. She didn’t need anybody. She especially didn’t need Ore Jumai. 

Joy Anne caught up with me and tucked her hand in mine. I jerked, caught in surprise when she did that, but I relaxed once I saw it was her. 

“Joy…” I started. “Do you know…?”

I didn’t have to complete my statement before she sighed and shook her head. “No, I can’t even…gosh, it’s… I just followed Ninuola because we both were looking for a place to ease ourselves and the others kind of met us on the way, and then, we heard shouting, so we followed the noise.”

“Hm,” I said, and we continued the rest of our walk back to Blue House’s seats in silence.

I just hoped Ashley was okay. And I hope Chidera would be too. Ore said he was going to tell her about us today. With what just happened, I doubt he would be able to. It would be very insensitive of him, not just as her boyfriend, but as a person. If I were in his shoes, I wouldn’t actually do that. I would wait until she became stable. But again, the sooner she knew the truth, the better. I trusted Ore to do whatever he thought was right. He already promised me, so yeah. 

Not long after we found our seats, the results of the competition were announced. The MC, who happened to be Mr. Noah, my beloved physics teacher, asked every house to come together separately.  And then, he called up each two student athletes, a male and a female, for their awards as the best performing student athletes during this particular competition. And they happened to be Ore Jumai, the head boy and Kathy Alero, the female sports’ prefect. 

I cheered them on and did not feel bad because they were my friends, and I was happy for them. And not gonna lie, these guys did more than all of us in this competition. I watched as Ore walked out and smiled weakly as he received the gift. He looked very tired. But Kathy, as usual, was her energetic and vibrant self, still ready to run another race if she was asked to. That was done and finally, they announced the winner of the interhouse sports competition. Shocking or not, White House won. 

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