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"No man is an island, we all need each other."

Got a few things I wanna say before we read this chapter.

First off, this is a filler chapter that I'd want y'all to pay rapt attention to. Read long A/N at the end.

Second , it comes with a surprise 😉😉😉

Third, I wanna tag lovetori_xo and Rihanna_Adedeji !!!! Literally two of the world's best writers. You all will grab later😉😉😉

With that being said: I give you my blessings to read!!!!!


The sound of girly chatter and giggle filled my ears as I stepped into one of the rooms in Ashley’s mansion. I covered my ears with my hands as I looked around searching for any of my friends, Nina, to be exact.

Scanning quickly round the room and not catching a glimpse of her dark hair or glasses, I figured she was not in this room. Yes, this was the third room on the first floor of this mansion that I’d stepped into, looking for her.

It was already twelve thirty am, the party was over. Some people were still in the large sitting room, chilling or whatever but it was late.

After talking with Ore for a while, thanking him for the hoodie which I promised to return ASAP and exchanging numbers, I decided I wanted to find my friends so that we can know where to sleep.

I sighed for the umpteenth time.

Where was Nina?

I turned around and closed the door.

Somehow, the girls did not even notice I stood there. They were too focused on whatever they were giggling about.

Why did I even think I could find her here sef? Oh, right. I thought I’d find her here because she socializes a lot. Maybe she forgot and followed some new made friends to their room.

But that was weird because Nina Ogbeide never forgot herself. And most of the time, when she socializes, she does not leave me out. She always tried to make me know those she knew too.

Anyway, when I turned, I bumped into someone, forehead to forehead and boy was it freaking painful. That person must be tall to have had a head bump with me.

“Ow…” I mumbled as I caressed the painful spot on my forehead with my fingers.

“Ouch…” I heard a voice say. It was a girl’s voice and what she said came out as a whisper.

“I’m sorry,” we both said at the same time. Looked up at the same time and I saw who the voice belonged to Anita Makinde.

The girl who was crowned the weirdest in our set. Quiet. Very quiet. Ashley and Ayo were quiet but this girl was their boss when it came to quietness. Okay how many times have I used ‘quiet’ now?

Anyway, she was the girl who also talked to herself a whole lot. Talking to one’s self sometimes was normal, I mean, I do it too but hers was just…bizarre. I caught her once, staring into thin air in the corridor, mumbling incoherent words. I got closer to her, had wanted to ask if she was well but it was like she sensed a presence and she stopped talking, smiled and walked away quickly.

Anita was a tall girl, probably around 5’7 or 5’8— not as tall as I was though. That was the reason she bumped directly into my forehead. She had a fair skin and a rough face. She hardly smiled but when she did, it lit up her whole face. I don’t think we’ve ever had a reasonable conversation since I’ve been in this school apart from that time in the corridor, if it’s actually considered reasonable.

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