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Together forever and never to part
Together forever we two
And don't you know
I would move heaven and earth
To be together forever with you - Rick Astley.


Cover Design by Donaldprince Thank you so much.😩😊

This chapter is dedicated to Purple_Deeza 😗😗😗 😂😂 She helped a lot with this chapter. Thanks, Lydia.😗💕

Okay, I have no excuse but I apologise — again — for how late this chapter is coming. 🥲🥲 Please bear with me.💕😗

This chapter is also full of sporty stuff so, get ready. Remember that it's for a reason oh.🌚🌚 Pay attention my people.🌚

If you see any typo, abeg no vex, I go correct am.😂😂🤲🏽

That said, y'all can go ahead and read.😗😗😂😂



I wiped off the sweat that trickled down my forehead with the back of my hand. One of my teammates passed the ball to me, I bounced it twice and dribbled my White House opponent.

Yes, we were playing against White House now. Which meant we had a very high chance of winning. . . and losing.

Currently, they were two points ahead of us. Like I earlier said, we had the best players but White House had the Star Player — Ayo Balogun. And he's gotten even better.

White House and Blue House were the two finalists after we played against Red House — they seriously lacked the necessary skills — and they against Purple — who were actually good, but not good enough. It was a very short game. Because both White and Blue house were fast to beat their opponents.

And in case you're wondering, yes, it was a mixed game. As in, Boys and Girls played together in one team. That's the way we did it at RBA.

I  successfully dribbled my opponent — who was an SS2 student — and passed the ball to one of my teammates who, in turn, passed it to Kathy. Kathy also dribbled and from where she stood, threw the ball into the net. She scored with an assist.

Blue House went wild with cheers. We were now neck-to-neck with White House. I took a quick glance at the Marks Board and saw we had about twenty minutes to go.

Twenty minutes to either win or lose.

I exhaled.

The game resumed and White House had the ball. It wasn't long until the person holding it passed it to Ayo. I watched as a smirk, very similar to Ore's cocky one, played on his lips. A memory of Ore's lips and the day he first kissed me flashed through my mind. My legs started feeling like jelly.

I quickly cautioned myself.


Anyway, the blue team had a very strong defense, it was hard for anyone to break us apart. But Ayo made it look easy, dribbling past us like we were breeze. He didn't take long before he, with a three-pointer, made a basket, scoring for White House.

They were mad with cheers.

Coach called us for a time-out and gave this whole motivational speech that I — that we — had already heard times without number. So, we just nodded and promised to do our best.

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