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There are big problems that change the world. If we are working together, that will make us understand each other, appreciate each other, help each other.

-Jack Ma.


A massive shout-out to my guy, Fav! inlovewithdwestwind !!!!!😌😌😌🔥🔥🔥🔥 She's a really talented writer. Y'all should please read her journal here on wattpad - Don't Break Me. It's filled with so much humor and wisdom!🥺🥲🤲🏽🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️Omo. I know too many wise people.🥲😭😭😭😭😭😭🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽



Purple house won the football match.

It wasn't as easy as I had imagined. Jeremy, who was in White House, played like a madman. I was not really a fan of football, but I was stunned. Jeremy Tosin had skill. But nonetheless, Ore Jumai was in Purple House, and because he was there, they just had to win. Even though he was kinda slow today. He kept missing the ball, kept passing it to his opponents instead of his teammates. Everyone was worried and probably wondering what had gone wrong.

But in the end, Ore scored the final goal that made his house win. Just like that, everybody forgot about how distracted he had been during the game. From where I sat under the canopy on the field, I saw how Chidera and her cheerleading squad - which was just her and a defiant Ashley - wailed and did horrific dance moves. As a-little-jealous as I felt about the fact that she was cheering the guy I was in love with-

Wait. Hold up! Did I just say in love?

Was I really in love with Ore Jumai? That's something really big to admit. I mean, sure, he was smart, annoyingly hot, every girl's dream, sweet, kind, funny, confident, a really good kisser...but that did not mean-

Okay, I'm getting off topic!

Anyway, back to what I was saying: as a-little-jealous as I was about the fact that she was cheering her boyfriend, I was actually more mortified for her. Because...omo, she didn't know how weird she looked doing what she did, and she also didn't know she was the only one putting in all the energy. Ashley stood there, just looking at her, with crossed arms and a blank expression. Well, I assumed it was a blank expression because it was, most times, how she stared at people.

After the football game, we went to the pool area for the swimming competition and believe me when I say I knew Ninuola was a good swimmer, but man, I think she went mad. She didn't even spare the other houses. The distance between she and the second person was freaking long. My mouth hung open for about two minutes-okay, maybe that's sort of an exaggeration, but you get the drift.

With the way these activities were going, it was hard to tell which house was taking the lead. Because each house had people skilled in different kinds of activities. It would be a tough one for the judges, or whoever was keeping records.

The activities finished earlier than expected - one a.m. - and everyone was relieved. But as usual, as RBA liked to do, they shocked us with the most amazing news ever: our mock exams commence the week immediately after our inter house sports competition. We groaned louder than a tired ocean.

And, as usual too, our groaning fell on deaf ears, as the Vice Principal kept telling us the wonderful news. It even got better - immediately after our mock, JAMB would come up, then shortly after, WAEC would follow and then NECO. Literally no breathing space for us. But then, it meant one more thing: we were getting closer to the end of secondary school. Each day was a step closer. Honestly, I tried not to dwell on it too much.

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