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“Each of us can make a difference. Together we make change.” – Barbara Mikulski



The second day of the New Year was one of the most memorable days of my life. Nina who had practically been at my house throughout the Christmas holiday, decided that we head over to Ninu’s house today.

When I asked why, she just told me she and Ninu organized a get together at Ninu’s house.

I asked who and who were invited but she just told me, I’d find out when we get there.

Perhaps she wanted it to be a surprise or something.

Nina was dressed in a baby pink turtle neck long sleeved blouse, white trousers, black flats and also a grey woolen buttoned down sweater over her blouse.

Her hair was fixed in a weave-on which she let down the sides of her face. She wore light make up and her glasses frame was colored grey today. Wonder what happened to the golden one.

I still wondered why she decided to wear long sleeves, although anyone who didn’t wear any today would be a big fool because I was sure the weather was almost on freezing point. If not for one thing, my teeth would have started chattering. If Ibadan was this cold then I wondered what Jos would be like because the cold was really fierce.

Anyway, as much as Nina was always so bubbly and jumpy, I still had a feeling that something was off about her, really off but I shrugged it off because Nina was always fine. She never complained about anything so I didn’t really see the need to ask her about it.

There were sometimes though that she’d drift into her own thoughts but it was only for a short time. She’d be back to her normal self again.

We passed through Joy’s place and picked her up. Together the three of us headed to Ninuola’s house. I wasn’t so sure Ninu would be pleased to see Joy but Nina and I insisted on bringing her with us, she was our friend after all.


                  ☼  Ѳ  ☼  Ѳ  ☼

We finally arrived at Ninu’s house which was a real big house. I caught my breath as the gate man opened the gate for us. I had been in Ninu’s house before, probably once or twice. Most of the time, we all agreed to hang out at mine but seriously every time I got to her house, it always felt brand new.

The house wasn’t as big as Ashley’s mansion but it was bigger than my house. The architecture was extremely wonderful, something Joba would go crazy about if he spotted it.

He’d make sure he sat down to draw it and add it to his future design collections— so he called them. Plus, he’d also go crazy because of Ninuola.

Anyway, the building had this kinda dome shaped thing going on, making it look like a bigger version of the kokodome. Of course it was round and honestly I can’t really describe the beauty.

Painted a warming white and pink color, it also had a fountain just before the entrance of the house— a cupid fountain, where water sprouted from his mouth as he held his love arrows, set in a bow.

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