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"Together we can face any challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky."

Dedicated to Ghene-jay1

I've come back y'all! No, no, I didn't disappear.😎

Enjoy the new chapter.❤️


As I walked up the stairs that led to the senior block on Monday morning, I couldn't help but hum the tune of Girls Like You. I mean, I've always loved that song but now that Ore and I sang it together, I just felt so attached.

It was like the song was the mantra of our relationship - whatever our relationship was. . .

Anyway, I finally got to the SSS3 block and hadn't walked as far as two feet into it when someone called my name from behind. I turned back so fast but the person steadied me and I found my balance. His grip was strong. Strangely very strong.

"Oh, Ayo." I exhaled and smiled. "Wassup?"

He smiled easily too and let go of my arm and we walked slowly together down the hallway. "I'm great. Good morning."

"Yeah, good morning." I grinned this time.

"Wow, you must be really happy. Your grin is infectious."

"Yeah. . ." I drawled out nervously when I remembered the reason for my happiness was supposed to be secret.

"Okay." We both stopped walking. His face turned serious and he moved closer to me. "Can I ask you a few questions?"

I raised a brow, wondering what he wanted to ask me. "Um. . .sure?"

"Have you noticed anything strange about Nina, lately? Like, does she act weird or has she been acting weird?"

"Hmmmm." I thought about this. Nina didn't seem strange to me. Apart from the fact that she wears the school sweater everyday and suddenly disappears occasionally, she seemed fine to me.

Should that be counted as weird?

I voiced my thoughts out to Ayo and his brows just knitted more. I wondered why he looked so worried. Nina was always fine, why the fuss?

And if he was asking me about her, who was I going to ask? I mean, I'd always counted on the fact that if I didn't know anything about Nina or about where she  was, I'd ask him. But here he was, asking me.

It was now a game of; he who asks shall be asked and he who has asked shall ask.

"Did she tell you anything, like any secret?" He asked further, looking directly into my eyes like he'd get answers from them.

I thought about this again. Nina and I had shared a lot of secrets considering we'd been best friends for a while now but it wasn't any deep secrets. It was just the normal girl gossip type that we promised never to tell anyone.

Like the time she had a crush on one of our teachers. I had laughed hard at her about it. Those were the kind of secrets we kept. Mostly.

Don't tell anybody!

I shook my head and crossed my arms, glaring playfully at him. "Nah. I can't break the girl code, you know?"

Yeah, I don't know what the girl code is, either. It's not only you.

He smiled a little. "Okay, Bolu." He held my arm again, not as firm as before, but I still felt his strong grip. "But be sure to tell me if you, you know, notice anything strange?"

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