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Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air.

Georges Bernanos

Dedicated to AgiFavor She my baby!😩😌🔥


I watched Bolu leave in her car before I turned to Aisha, shooting her another deadly glare.

She sighed. ″Must you always show the world how much you hate me?″

"I could ask you the same thing."

"You think I hate you?"

"Are you really asking me that question?" I raised a brow, still glaring.

She sighed. "Anyway, how are you, Little brother?" She tried for a smile.

I was taken aback. Again. Why was she being so nice to me?  For as long as I could remember, after that time we were once close, she'd decided it was time to hate me. Annoy me. And since then, she'd never failed to do so. Along with all my other older sisters.

She raised a brow waiting for me to answer.

I looked at her. Wondering what the heck was going on in her mind.

Deciding that I wasn't going to fall for whatever trick she had up her sleeves, I said, "What didn't you want Bolu to hear? What did you want to tell me?"

"Bolu is really pretty sha."


"And I think she likes me. I like her too."

"No, she probably thinks you're annoying or weird, or both," I stated.

She rolled her eyes. A wicked smile crept up my lips. It felt like I'd gotten to her, and it sated me.

She muttered something that I didn't hear under her breath, and stared at the ground.

I kept staring at her. Stared for a full five seconds before my anger from earlier rose to an even higher level.

"Again, Aisha, why are you here? I'm sure it's not to check on your 'little brother'." I rolled my eyes, air-quoting the last statement. "So, tell me the truth."

She jerked her head up at the sound of my voice. "Huh?"

I frowned. "Why are you being so weird?"

"We both know that you're the weird one," she said and sighed like that was the most reasonable thing on earth to say.

"Cut the crap, Aisha!" My voice had an edge to it. I mean, I was tired of what she was doing — intentionally evading my questions. I was tired from today's activities. I had a lot to think about. A lot. And she was here, stressing me. "Just go straight to the point."

Part of me had an inkling of what she was gonna say. Each time she'd ever come to visit me at school, it was because dad had sent her to deliver a particular message. She never came on her own accord. She was sorta dad's messenger to me.

And no, I don't mean it that way.

Wait. Maybe I do.

Anyway, if she'd come to say what I thought she came to say today, then, I was in for a rollercoaster of mashed up emotions.

Yeah, I know. I brought most of this upon myself.

"Well. . ." She started. Paused. And walked closer to me until we were inches apart, my eyes following her every move.

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