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Your POV

Your hands were shaking. You were sitting in Tom's car outside his parents home. After filming ended, Tom planned a whole trip to London to meet the rest of his family. You two just landed yesterday and tonight was the family dinner.

The two of you got out of the car and walked to the front door. Tom saw your nervous state and grabbed your face in both his hands. "Hey there's nothing to be nervous about. Look at me."

You met his eyes. "I'm meeting your parents. This is a big step. What if they don't like me?"

"You've already met my dad and he loves you. Harry loves you. My mum, Sam, and Paddy will love you. It all will be fine."

Okay. Okay. He's right. There's nothing to be nervous about. The door swung open and an excited young boy ran out and hugged Tom. This must be Paddy.

"You're here!" Tom hugged his youngest brother back. Paddy turned to you and gave you a hug as well. He let go and grabbed your hand to pull you inside. "Well come on."

You were pulled through the door to see a beautiful woman waking in the room. "Tom, welcome home." She embraced him in a tight hug. When she let go she faced you with a warm smile. "You must be (y/n). It's so great to finally meet you." She wrapped you in her arms. "The boys in this family who have met you speak very highly of you. I've been waiting for it to be my turn."

"It's very nice to meet you Mrs. Holland."

"Please lose the formality. Just call me Nikki."

Harry walked in the room with his arms open, waiting for his hug. "She did that with dad too."

You walked towards him with you arms open only to move to the right at the last minute to give Dom a hug. "Hi Dom. It's been a while."

"It's been too long. Glad to see you're here."

"Thank you. Glad to be here. I've never been to London before. I'm excited to see what all it has to offer."

"Well I was going to be your tour guide tomorrow, but not anymore." Harry crossed his arms.

"That's okay. We don't need him. I'll show you around." Another boy walked into the room. Since you've met everyone now, this had to be Sam.

"Perfect. Harry I like your twin better and I just met him." You had to tease him. He rolled his eyes at you and Sam had a triumphant smile.

"Look at that. One second into meeting me and I'm the favorite."

"We all know who the true favorite is here." Paddy walked to stand next to you pointing at himself.

"Your mom? Yeah. She's my favorite."

Nikki came up beside you and squeezed your arm. "Awe you're my favorite as well." As she walked away all three boys called after her telling her to take that back. You couldn't help but laugh at the chaos that has taken over the house in a matter of seconds. She raised her hands defensively. "Favorite girl." The three boys all collectively said oh and calmed down.

You looked over at Tom who was speaking with his father. They were talking about something serious with how their expressions looked and arms waving about. You jumped when Harry whispered in your ear. "Stop eyeing my brother and come eat." You swung your arm back and hit him in the chest.

You walked to the dinner table with a smirk while Harry acted like you just killed him. "Don't act like a baby. I barely even hit you." He dropped his act and sat down across from you.

During dinner, Tom sat next to you. You loved how happy he was. All night he had a genuine smile and was laughing with his family. You enjoyed getting to be here with everyone. How it felt to be surrounded by people that all loved each other.

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