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Your POV

Harry flipped the phone around to a news page. Front and center was a picture of an upside down, smashed up car all alone in the middle of street. The drivers side was dented in where a car had hit it. The windows were either cracked or completely broken. Glass and remains of the car where scattered around the vehicle.

"Harry what is this?" Tom looked up from the phone.

"Keep reading." Harry's voice sounded sad and  distant.

Then, you read it.

"Last night, rising star Andrea 'Andi' Grace was involved in a hit and run. The Los Angeles Police Department are currently still investigating the scene.

The incident occurred Wednesday shortly after 10 p.m. 911 calls reported an adult woman inside a flipped car, unconscious. There was no other car on sight.

The investigation has determined that Grace was hit by another car then took off. Police are interviewing witnesses and looking through surveillance cameras. Right now there is no description of the other vehicle involved.

Grace was flown out to the hospital where she is in surgery. There have been no reports on her injuries or the severity of her condition."

A shaky hand covered your mouth as quiet sobs were let out. Tears left stains as they fell down your cheeks.

Tom finally reached where you had stopped reading. His eyes were wide and face full of concern. He quickly scooted right next you, not caring about bending any of the Uno cards. He held onto you with both arms and smoothed down your hair.

"Shh. It's going to be okay. She's in surgery, she's going to make it out." 

As you kept processing the dreadful news, you pushed Tom away and stood up. "I- I- I need to go. I need to go see her."

Without another word, you started grabbing all your things and stuffing them into your bag. There was no time to fold, everything just needed to be pushed inside so you could zip it up and leave.

"(Y/n) you can't just leave. She's in Los Angeles." Harry felt worried and looked at Tom to see what to do.

"I know where she is Harry. I'll just go to the airport tonight and take the next flight out."

You now started to run down the stairs with Harry and Tom right on your heels. Haz and Sam, who were on the couch, looked up in confusion from the commotion.

"What's going on?" Sam asked his brothers since you looked like a mad women searching for your purse.

"(Y/n) you're in shock. Why don't you just take tonight to sleep then I can drive you to the airport tomorrow morning."

You finally stopped your search and turned around. "Tom, my best friend is in the hospital. I do not need to sleep. I need to go be with her. She has no one. Her family is still in South Carolina, she needs me. Now where is my purse?"

Haz sat a little straighter during your little speech. "Wait, Andi is in the hospital?"

"Yes. There it is." You pointed to your purse and grabbed it.

"Does anyone care to explain?" Haz asked watching you run back up the stairs.

You looked around one last time to make sure you didn't miss anything. Tom and Harry came running into the room after you trying to get you to take a second.

Harry grabbed both of your arms. "You shouldn't drive in your state. You need to breathe and settle down."

"Harry, thank you so much for asking me to stay longer than just a day. It was a much needed few days and I've enjoyed every bit of it." You hugged Harry and stepped out of his grip to face Tom. "I can honestly say I'm glad you showed up. I was so nervous for how we would be if we saw each other again, but I'm glad to have you back in my life." You hugged him as well and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Say You'll Stay | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now