Chapter 59 - A little get together

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Greetings my little balls of sunshine,

It has been a while and I hope you're all well. A little update from me. I finally got my first vaccine shot. The second one will be done in may and before some of you ask, I only had a minor fever and that was it. I'm back at work having a lot of fun with the children.

Anyway, I apologize for taking so long to update but I know most of you can emphasize with a busy private life. I am at a point in my life that if I stay at this current place of work I would try to have a baby with my husband. It's been my biggest wish for years and it might come true this year.

Ooof I guess some of you don't know that I'm gonna turn 28 this year. I'm old, oh dear.

Chapter 59 - A little get together

Tamiko glanced up at the grey sky when a snowflake landed on her cheek. The cold air revealed her every single breath and her flushed cheeks partially revealed themselves from under her scarf. She blew a puff of air into the sky and then glanced over to Ushijima. He was unloading the car which he had packed when she had picked him up at the station. Since it was almost Christmas he was visiting for the holidays. It was something she had been looking forward to all month. Now he was here. But there other guests expected to arrive over the next few days.

"Your dad will land tomorrow," she informed him. "Do you want to pick him up with me?"

"Of course."

Tamiko smiled and headed for the front door. This Christmas will be with family. She couldn't recall when that last happened. Usually Shiyori had been busy working, overseas or both at once. But not this year. When they arrived indoors Shiyori welcomed him with open arms and a loving hug. Tobio was still out with his teammates but Shiyori was already preparing a warm dinner. While Ushijima was dumping his luggage upstairs Tamiko waited downstairs to head out again.

"Mum, we'll go for a walk and pick up Tobio," she said before stepping out again.

"Don't stay out too long. Dinner will be ready soon," Shiyori called.

Tamiko waved and closed the door behind her. The pair headed down the street both with their hands in their pockets to protect them from the cold. In the news the island of Hokkaido was already covered in a thick blanket of snow but right now the faint flakes falling from the cloudy sky never reached the ground. Tamiko checked her phone messages again to make sure they were walking into the right direction. The walk to Karasuno high school wasn't long and the jeers and cheers from some boys showed them the way.

"Japan," came a shriek.

Along with Kageyama it was Hinata, Nishinoya and Tanaka standing on the school yard. They were all playing hanetsuki together which had become a tradition for those boys since last year. Although they didn't get into the nationals, having lost to Date tech in the final, they qualified for the Spring tournament again this year. Tamiko had already bought two tickets to watch the matches although Ushijima couldn't watch all of them since he had to go to training himself. But he had given away his apartment for free accommodation. Tamiko already knew she had some cooking to do during that stay.

"We got some spare bats if you wanna join," offered Tanaka.

"Maybe another time," she rejected. "We came to pick up Tobio-kun since dinner is ready soon."

"Ah, it's already that late?" Kageyama said and looked up at the sky.

The trio said their goodbyes and well wishes since Christmas Eve was just around the corner. They returned home just in time. When Tamiko opened the front door the mouthwatering scent of freshly cooked food made her stomach rumble. Dinner was enjoyed to the fullest. Shiyori was on break from therapy for a month to see how she would manage and so far she was feeling great. There was still one big thing, which scared her a little, that she wanted to check off her list. She wanted to apologize to Ushijima's mother.

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