Chapter 38 - A turn of Events

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"Tami-chan," Oikawa called. "Earth to Tami-chan."

The setter waved his hand before her eyes repeatedly, trying to get her to snap back to reality. But he wasn't successful. She stared into nothingness, her mind completely absent. Oikawa's shoulders slumped. Iwaizumi, who was sitting next to Oikawa, turned his eyes away from the court.

"Leave her alone, alien-for-brains." Iwaizumi grumbled.

Oikawa leaned away and pouted. It had been 10 minutes since they had sat down to watch the match between Karasuno and Inarizaki, and she still hadn't spoken a word. It wasn't strange for her to be quiet sometimes but not responding to anything was unusual. Oikawa turned to her boyfriend instead. Their eyes met.

"Ushiwaka-chan, what's wrong with her?" he asked.

"Her mother is coming home." the ace simply explained.

Now it was self-explanatory. The two third-years had only heard about her condition in their last year of middle school. Izumi had told them. Tamiko knew that they knew and she didn't care. Oikawa and Iwaizumi exchanged a glance before turning their attention back to the court. Both teams had already started their warm-ups while the crowd of spectators grew larger and larger. What caught Iwaizumi's attention were the amount girl's with banners mentioning the Miya twins. He found it amusing that Oikawa hadn't noticed that he had been outnumbered when it came to a fangirl club. However, in Tamiko's mind there was chaos. Her mother was coming home.

-the night earlier-

"You are coming home?" Tamiko exclaimed.

She didn't realise that her hand was shaking. The pool of emotions was still present and now it showed no sign of leaving. If anything, it could get worse. Her pulse had elevated as well after she had heard those words. Was this some cruel joke or was this really happening?

"Yes, I got enough hours to go on holiday for two weeks." her mother explained.

"When will you come?" Tamiko asked.

"End of March," her mother informed. "I don't want to miss your graduation."

A big smile grew on her face. And yet, she felt as if there was disappointment waiting behind those news. Instead, her mother listed things to be done, things to expect and when to expect them. It was really happening.

"Will you tell Tobio?" her mother asked. "I can't reach his phone."

"I will," she promised.

There was no possible chance that she wouldn't tell him. When she would, she didn't know yet. She did know where he was staying since she had to sign the slip from the school. It may not be allowed to do that in her age but she was still his guardian. Since he was having important matches she didn't want to throw him out of focus either. No, she would wait until all the matches were over.

"Ah, before I forget," her mother interjected. "I have found someone in America."

"Found someone?" Tamiko asked, cautious.

Her eyes fell on Ushijima who was now sitting upright on the bed. Instead of spending his time doing something for himself he was watching and listening. She was secretly glad that he was.

"Yes, he is wonderful," she dreamily sighed. "He will come as well since he wants to meet you two."

"Does he?"

Tamiko was more than bewildered. Her mother had found a man after all those years since father had left. Since then she had been drowned in her work so it might be a good thing that she had found a man. She might have more time for her and Tobio now.

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